huc12_summary {rATTAINS}R Documentation

Download HUC12 Summary


Provides summary data for a 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC12), based on Assessment Units in the HUC12. Watershed boundaries may cross state boundaries, so the service may return assessment units from multiple organizations. Returns the assessment units in the HUC12, size and percentages of assessment units considered Good, Unknown, or Impaired.


huc12_summary(huc, tidy = TRUE, .unnest = TRUE, ...)



(character) Specifies the 12-digit HUC to be summarized. required


(logical) TRUE (default) the function returns a tidied tibble. FALSE the function returns the raw JSON string.


(logical) TRUE (default) the function attempts to unnest data to longest format possible. This defaults to TRUE for backwards compatibility but it is suggested to use FALSE.


list of curl options passed to crul::HttpClient()


If tidy = FALSE the raw JSON string is returned, else the JSON data is parsed and returned as a list of tibbles that include a list of seven tibbles.


See domain_values to search values that can be queried.


## Not run: 
## Return a list of tibbles with summary data about a single huc12
x <- huc12_summary(huc = "020700100204")

## Return as a JSON string
x <- huc12_summary(huc = "020700100204", tidy = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package rATTAINS version 1.0.0 Index]