actions {rATTAINS}R Documentation

Download Actions Data


Provides data about actions (TMDLs, 4B Actions, Alternative Actions, Protection Approach Actions) that have been finalized.


  action_id = NULL,
  assessment_unit_id = NULL,
  state_code = NULL,
  organization_id = NULL,
  summarize = FALSE,
  parameter_name = NULL,
  pollutant_name = NULL,
  action_type_code = NULL,
  agency_code = NULL,
  pollutant_source_code = NULL,
  action_status_code = NULL,
  completion_date_later_than = NULL,
  completion_date_earlier_than = NULL,
  tmdl_date_later_than = NULL,
  tmdl_date_earlier_then = NULL,
  last_change_later_than_date = NULL,
  last_change_earlier_than_date = NULL,
  return_count_only = FALSE,
  tidy = TRUE,
  .unnest = TRUE,



(character) Specifies what action to retrieve. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those associated with the specified assessment unit identifier, plus any statewide actions. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those "belonging" to the specified state. optional


(character) Filter returned actions to those "belonging" to specified organizations. multiple values allowed. optional


(logical) If TRUE provides only a count of the assessment units for the action and summary of the pollutants and parameters covered by the action.


(character) Filters returned actions to those associated with the specified parameter. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those associated with the specified pollutant. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those associated with the specified action type code. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with the specified agency code. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those matching the specified pollutant source code. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those matching the specified action status code. multiple values allowed. optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a completion date later than the value specified. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a completion date earlier than the value specified. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a TMDL date later than the value specified. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a TMDL date earlier than the value specified. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a last change date later than the value specified. Can be used with last_change_earlier_than_date to return actions changed within a date range. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


(character) Filters returned actions to those with a last change date earlier than the value specified. Can be used with last_change_later_than_date to return actions changed within a date range. Must be a character formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". optional


[Deprecated] return_count_only = TRUE is no longer supported.


(logical) TRUE (default) the function returns a tidied tibble. FALSE the function returns the raw JSON string.


(logical) TRUE (default) the function attempts to unnest data to longest format possible. This defaults to TRUE for backwards compatibility but it is suggested to use FALSE.


list of curl options passed to crul::HttpClient()


One or more of the following arguments must be included: action_id, assessment_unit_id, state_code or organization_id. Multiple values are allowed for indicated arguments and should be included as a comma separated values in the string (eg. organization_id="TCEQMAIN,DCOEE").


If tidy = FALSE the raw JSON string is returned, else the JSON data is parsed and returned as tibbles.


See domain_values to search values that can be queried.


## Not run: 

## Look up an individual action
actions(action_id = "R8-ND-2018-03")
## Get the JSON instead
actions(action_id = "R8-ND-2018-03", tidy = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

[Package rATTAINS version 1.0.0 Index]