eigs {rARPACK}R Documentation

Find a Specified Number of Eigenvalues/vectors for Square Matrix


This function is a simple wrapper of the eigs() function in the RSpectra package. Also see the documentation there.

Given an nn by nn matrix AA, function eigs() can calculate a limited number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of AA. Users can specify the selection criteria by argument which, e.g., choosing the kk largest or smallest eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors.

Currently eigs() supports matrices of the following classes:

matrix The most commonly used matrix type, defined in base package.
dgeMatrix General matrix, equivalent to matrix, defined in Matrix package.
dgCMatrix Column oriented sparse matrix, defined in Matrix package.
dgRMatrix Row oriented sparse matrix, defined in Matrix package.
dsyMatrix Symmetrix matrix, defined in Matrix package.
function Implicitly specify the matrix through a function that has the effect of calculating f(x)=Axf(x)=Ax. See section Function Interface for details.

eigs_sym() assumes the matrix is symmetric, and only the lower triangle (or upper triangle, which is controlled by the argument lower) is used for computation, which guarantees that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are real, and in some cases reduces the workload. One exception is when A is a function, in which case the user is responsible for the symmetry of the operator.

eigs_sym() supports "matrix", "dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix", "dgRMatrix" and "function" typed matrices.


eigs(A, k, which = "LM", sigma = NULL, opts = list(), ...)

eigs_sym(A, k, which = "LM", sigma = NULL, opts = list(),
   lower = TRUE, ...)



The matrix whose eigenvalues/vectors are to be computed. It can also be a function which receives a vector xx and calculates AxAx. See section Function Interface for details.


Number of eigenvalues requested.


Selection criteria. See Details below.


Shift parameter. See section Shift-And-Invert Mode.


Control parameters related to the computing algorithm. See Details below.


For symmetric matrices, should the lower triangle or upper triangle be used.


Additional arguments such as n and args that are related to the Function Interface. See eigs() in the RSpectra package.


The which argument is a character string that specifies the type of eigenvalues to be computed. Possible values are:

"LM" The kk eigenvalues with largest magnitude. Here the magnitude means the Euclidean norm of complex numbers.
"SM" The kk eigenvalues with smallest magnitude.
"LR" The kk eigenvalues with largest real part.
"SR" The kk eigenvalues with smallest real part.
"LI" The kk eigenvalues with largest imaginary part.
"SI" The kk eigenvalues with smallest imaginary part.
"LA" The kk largest (algebraic) eigenvalues, considering any negative sign.
"SA" The kk smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues, considering any negative sign.
"BE" Compute kk eigenvalues, half from each end of the spectrum. When kk is odd, compute more from the high and then from the low end.

eigs() with matrix type "matrix", "dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix" and "dgRMatrix" can use "LM", "SM", "LR", "SR", "LI" and "SI".

eigs_sym(), and eigs() with matrix type "dsyMatrix" can use "LM", "SM", "LA", "SA" and "BE".

The opts argument is a list that can supply any of the following parameters:


Number of Lanzcos basis vectors to use. More vectors will result in faster convergence, but with greater memory use. For general matrix, ncv must satisfy k+2ncvnk+2\le ncv \le n, and for symmetric matrix, the constraint is k<ncvnk < ncv \le n. Default is min(n, max(2*k+1, 20)).


Precision parameter. Default is 1e-10.


Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.


Whether to compute eigenvectors. If FALSE, only calculate and return eigenvalues.


A list of converged eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Computed eigenvalues.


Computed eigenvectors. vectors[, j] corresponds to values[j].


Number of converged eigenvalues.


Number of iterations used in the computation.


Number of matrix operations used in the computation.

Shift-And-Invert Mode

The sigma argument is used in the shift-and-invert mode.

When sigma is not NULL, the selection criteria specified by argument which will apply to


where λ\lambda's are the eigenvalues of AA. This mode is useful when user wants to find eigenvalues closest to a given number. For example, if σ=0\sigma=0, then which = "LM" will select the largest values of 1/λ1/|\lambda|, which turns out to select eigenvalues of AA that have the smallest magnitude. The result of using which = "LM", sigma = 0 will be the same as which = "SM", but the former one is preferable in that ARPACK is good at finding large eigenvalues rather than small ones. More explanation of the shift-and-invert mode can be found in the SciPy document, http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/arpack.html.

Function Interface

The matrix AA can be specified through a function with the definition

function(x, args)
    ## should return A %*% x

which receives a vector x as an argument and returns a vector of the same length. The function should have the effect of calculating AxAx, and extra arguments can be passed in through the args parameter. In eigs(), user should also provide the dimension of the implicit matrix through the argument n.


Yixuan Qiu http://statr.me

Jiali Mei vermouthmjl@gmail.com

See Also

eigen(), svd(), svds()


n = 20
k = 5

## general matrices have complex eigenvalues
A1 = matrix(rnorm(n^2), n)  ## class "matrix"
A2 = Matrix(A1)             ## class "dgeMatrix"

eigs(A1, k)
eigs(A2, k, opts = list(retvec = FALSE))  ## eigenvalues only

## sparse matrices
A1[sample(n^2, n^2 / 2)] = 0
A3 = as(A1, "dgCMatrix")
A4 = as(A1, "dgRMatrix")

eigs(A3, k)
eigs(A4, k)

## function interface
f = function(x, args)
    as.numeric(args %*% x)
eigs(f, k, n = n, args = A3)

## symmetric matrices have real eigenvalues
A5 = crossprod(A1)
eigs_sym(A5, k)

## find the smallest (in absolute value) k eigenvalues of A5
eigs_sym(A5, k, which = "SM")

## another way to do this: use the sigma argument
eigs_sym(A5, k, sigma = 0)

## The results should be the same,
## but the latter method is far more stable on large matrices

[Package rARPACK version 0.11-0 Index]