accessibility | Calculate access to opportunities |
detailed_itineraries | Detailed itineraries between origin-destination pairs |
download_r5 | Download 'R5.jar' |
expanded_travel_time_matrix | Calculate minute-by-minute travel times between origin destination pairs |
find_snap | Find snapped locations of input points on street network |
isochrone | Estimate isochrones from a given location |
pareto_frontier | Calculate travel time and monetary cost Pareto frontier |
r5r_cache | Manage cached files from the r5r package |
r5r_sitrep | Generate an r5r situation report to help debug errors |
read_fare_structure | Read a fare structure object from a file |
setup_fare_structure | Setup a fare structure to calculate the monetary costs of trips |
setup_r5 | Create a transport network used for routing in R5 |
stop_r5 | Stop running r5r core |
street_network_to_sf | Extract OpenStreetMap network in sf format from a network.dat file |
transit_network_to_sf | Extract transit network in sf format |
travel_time_matrix | Calculate travel time matrix between origin destination pairs |
write_fare_structure | Write a fare structure object to disk |