SSplotSelex {r4ss} | R Documentation |
Plot selectivity
Plot selectivity, including retention and other quantities, with additional plots for time-varying selectivity.
infotable = NULL,
fleets = "all",
fleetnames = "default",
sizefactors = c("Lsel"),
agefactors = c("Asel", "Asel2"),
years = "endyr",
minyr = -Inf,
maxyr = Inf,
season = 1,
sexes = "all",
selexlines = 1:6,
subplot = 1:25,
skipAgeSelex10 = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
add = FALSE,
labels = c("Length (cm)", "Age (yr)", "Year", "Selectivity", "Retention",
"Discard mortality"),
col1 = "red",
col2 = "blue",
lwd = 2,
spacepoints = 5,
staggerpoints = 1,
legendloc = "bottomright",
pwidth = 6.5,
pheight = 5,
punits = "in",
res = 300,
ptsize = 10,
cex.main = 1,
mainTitle = TRUE,
showmain = lifecycle::deprecated(),
mar = NULL,
plotdir = "default",
verbose = TRUE
replist |
A list object created by |
infotable |
Optional table of information controlling appearance of plot and legend. Is produced as output and can be modified and entered as input. |
fleets |
Optional vector to subset fleets for which to make plots |
fleetnames |
Optional replacement for fleenames used in data file |
sizefactors |
Which elements of the factors column of SIZE_SELEX should be included in plot of selectivity across multiple fleets? |
agefactors |
Which elements of the factors column of AGE_SELEX should be included in plot of selectivity across multiple fleets? |
years |
Which years for selectivity are shown in multi-line plot (default = last year of model). |
minyr |
optional input for minimum year to show in plots |
maxyr |
optional input for maximum year to show in plots |
season |
Which season (if seasonal model) for selectivity shown in multi-line plot (default = 1). |
sexes |
Optional vector to subset genders for which to make plots (1=females, 2=males) |
selexlines |
Vector to select which lines get plotted. values are 1. Selectivity, 2. Retention, 3. Discard mortality, 4. Keep. |
subplot |
Vector controlling which subplots to create. Numbering of subplots is as follows, Plots with all fleets grouped together
Plots of time-varying length-based selectivity
Selectivity at length in end year by fleet
Plots of time-varying age-based selectivity
Selectivity at age in end year by fleet
Selectivity for both/either age or length
skipAgeSelex10 |
Exclude plots for age selectivity type 10 (selectivity = 1.0 for all ages beginning at age 1)? |
plot |
Plot to active plot device? |
print |
Print to PNG files? |
add |
Add to existing plot (not yet implemented) |
labels |
vector of labels for plots (titles and axis labels) |
col1 |
color for female growth curve |
col2 |
color for male growth curve |
lwd |
Line widths for plots |
spacepoints |
number of years between points shown on top of lines (for long timeseries, points every year get mashed together) |
staggerpoints |
number of years to stagger the first point (if
legendloc |
location of legend. See ?legend for more info. |
pwidth |
Default width of plots printed to files in units of
pheight |
Height of plots printed to png files in units of |
punits |
Units for |
res |
Resolution of plots printed to files.
The default is |
ptsize |
Point size for plotted text in plots printed to files (see
cex.main |
character expansion for plot titles |
mainTitle |
Logical indicating if a title should be included at the top (not yet implemented for all plots) |
showmain |
Deprecated, use mainTitle instead. |
mar |
Either NULL to allow the default (which depends on whether the main title is included or not) or a numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot, which is passed to |
plotdir |
Directory where PNG files will be written. By default it will be the directory where the model was run. |
verbose |
A logical value specifying if output should be printed to the screen. |
Ian Stewart, Ian Taylor