SS_readdat_2.00 {r4ss}R Documentation

read data file from SS version 2.00


Read Stock Synthesis (version 2.00) data file into list object in R. This function was formerly called SS_readdat. That name is now used for a wrapper function that calls either SS_readdat_2.00 SS_readdat_3.00 SS_readdat_3.24 or SS_readdat_3.30 (and potentially additional functions in the future).


SS_readdat_2.00(file, verbose = TRUE, echoall = FALSE, section = NULL)



Filename either with full path or relative to working directory.

See the formal arguments for a possible default filename.


Should there be verbose output while running the file? Default=TRUE.


Debugging tool (not fully implemented) of echoing blocks of data as it is being read.


Which data set to read. Only applies for a data.ss_new file created by Stock Synthesis. Allows the choice of either expected values (section=2) or bootstrap data (section=3+). Leaving default of section=NULL will read input data, (equivalent to section=1). ## needs to be added


Ian G. Taylor, Yukio Takeuchi, Z. Teresa A'mar, Neil L. Klaer

See Also

SS_readdat(), SS_readdat_3.30() SS_readstarter(), SS_readforecast(), SS_writestarter(), SS_writeforecast(), SS_writedat()

[Package r4ss version 1.44.0 Index]