SS_changepars {r4ss}R Documentation

Change parameters, bounds, or phases in the control file.


Loops over a subset of control file to change parameter lines. Current initial value, lower and upper bounds, and phase can be modified, but function could be expanded to control other columns. Depends on SS_parlines(). Used by SS_profile() and the ss3sim package.


  dir = NULL,
  ctlfile = "control.ss_new",
  newctlfile = "",
  linenums = NULL,
  strings = NULL,
  newvals = NULL,
  repeat.vals = FALSE,
  newlos = NULL,
  newhis = NULL,
  newprior = NULL,
  newprsd = NULL,
  newprtype = NULL,
  estimate = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  newphs = NULL



Directory with control file to change.


Control file name. Default="control.ss_new".


Name of new control file to be written. Default="".


Line numbers of control file to be modified. Either this or the strings argument are needed. Default=NULL.


Strings (with optional partial matching) indicating which parameters to be modified. This is an alternative to linenums. strings correspond to the commented parameter names included in control.ss_new, or whatever is written as comment at the end of the 14 number parameter lines. Default=NULL.


Vector of new parameter values. Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


If multiple parameter lines match criteria, repeat the newvals input for each line.


Vector of new lower bounds. Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Vector of new high bounds. Must be the same length as newhis Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Vector of new prior values. Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Vector of new prior sd values. Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Vector of new prior type. Default=NULL. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Optional vector or single value of TRUE/FALSE for which parameters are to be estimated. Changes sign of phase to be positive or negative. Default NULL causes no change to phase.


More detailed output to command line. Default=TRUE.


Vector of new phases. Can be a single value, which will be repeated for each parameter, the same length as newvals, where each value corresponds to a single parameter, or NULL, where the phases will not be changed. If one wants to strictly turn parameters on or off and not change the phase in which they are estimated use estimate = TRUE or estimate = FALSE, respectively. The vector can contain NA values, which will assign the original value to the given parameter but change the remaining parameters, where the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either linenums or strings.


Ian Taylor, Christine Stawitz, Chantel Wetzel

See Also

SS_parlines(), SS_profile()


## Not run: 
  dir = "C:/ss/SSv3.30.03.05_May11/Simple - Copy",
  strings = c("steep", "sigmaR"), newvals = c(.4, .6)
## parameter names in control file matching input vector 'strings' (n=2):
## [1] "SR_BH_steep" "SR_sigmaR"
## These are the ctl file lines as they currently exist:
##     LO HI     INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE env_var&link dev_link dev_minyr dev_maxyr
## 95 0.2  1 0.613717   0.7    0.05  1     4       0       0         0         0
## 96 0.0  2 0.600000   0.8    0.80  0    -4       0       0         0         0
##        dev_PH Block Block_Fxn       Label Linenum
## 95          0     0         0 SR_BH_steep      95
## 96          0     0         0   SR_sigmaR      96
## line numbers in control file (n=2):
## [1] 95 96
## wrote new file to with the following changes:
##    oldvals newvals oldphase newphase oldlos newlos oldhis newhis       comment
## 1 0.613717     0.4        4       -4    0.2    0.2      1      1 # SR_BH_steep
## 2 0.600000     0.6       -4       -4    0.0    0.0      2      2   # SR_sigmaR

## End(Not run)

[Package r4ss version 1.44.0 Index]