'WebGL'-Based 3D Plotting using the 'three.js' Library

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Documentation for package ‘r3js’ version 0.0.2

Help Pages

arrows3js Add arrows to a data3js object
axis3js Add an axis to an r3js plot
background3js Set the plot background color
box3js Add a box to an r3js plot
clippingPlane3js Create a clipping plane object
grid3js Add axis grids to an data3js object
group3js Start a new r3js object group
lastID Get the ID of the last object(s) added
legend3js Add a legend to an data3js object
light3js Add a light source to a data3js object
lines3js Add lines to a data3js object
material3js Set material properties of an r3js object
mtext3js Add text to the margin of an r3js plot
plot3js 3D scatter / line plot
plot3js.new Setup a new r3js plot
plot3js.window Set axis limits for a data3js object
points3js Add points to a data3js object
r3js Plot a data3js object
r3js-shiny Shiny bindings for r3js
r3jsOutput Shiny bindings for r3js
renderR3js Shiny bindings for r3js
save3js Save an r3js plot to an HTML file
save3jsWidget Save an r3js widget to an HTML file
segments3js Add lines segments a 3js object
shape3js Add a generic shape to an 3js plot
sphere3js Add a sphere of defined radius to a data3js object
surface3js Add a surface to an data3js object
teapot Utah Teapot
text3js Add text to a data3js object
triangle3js Add a triangle to a data3js object