add_model |
Create and add model to viewer |
cif_254385 |
Cif file example |
cube_benzene_homo |
Gaussian cube file example |
init |
Initialise a WebGL-based viewer |
m_add_anyShape |
Create and add shape |
m_add_arrow |
Add arrow shape |
m_add_as_one_molecule |
Create and add model to viewer |
m_add_box |
Create and add shape |
m_add_curve |
Create and add shape |
m_add_custom |
Add custom shape component from user supplied function |
m_add_cylinder |
Add Cylinder Between Points |
m_add_isosurface |
Construct isosurface from volumetric data in gaussian cube format |
m_add_label |
Add label to viewer |
m_add_line |
Add Lines Between Points |
m_add_model |
Create and add model to viewer |
m_add_models |
Create and add model to viewer |
m_add_models_as_frames |
Create and add model to viewer |
m_add_outline |
Add colored outline to all objects in scene. |
m_add_property_labels |
Add property labels |
m_add_res_labels |
Add Residue Labels |
m_add_shape |
Add shape object to viewer |
m_add_sphere |
Add Sphere Shape |
m_add_style |
Overwrite Previous Style |
m_add_surface |
Add surface representation to atoms |
m_add_unit_cell |
Unit cell visualization |
m_animate |
Animate all models in viewer from their respective frames |
m_bio3d |
Load structure from package bio3d |
m_button |
Add button into viewer |
m_center |
Re-center the viewer around the provided selection |
m_clear |
Clear scene of all objects |
m_create_model_from |
Create a new model from atoms specified by sel |
m_enable_fog |
Enable/disable fog for content far from the camera |
m_fetch_pdb |
Fetch Structure from PDB |
m_get_model |
Return specified model |
m_glimpse |
Quickly View Given Structure |
m_grid |
Create a grid of viewers that share a WebGL canvas |
m_is_animated |
Get viewer animate status |
m_multi_resi_sel |
Selection Across Multiple Residues |
m_png |
Convert widgets to PNG image |
m_remove_all_labels |
Remove all labels from viewer |
m_remove_all_models |
Delete all existing models |
m_remove_all_shapes |
Remove all shape objects from viewer |
m_remove_all_surfaces |
Remove all labels from viewer |
m_remove_label |
Remove label from viewer |
m_remove_unit_cell |
Unit cell visualization |
m_render |
Render current state of viewer |
m_replicate_unit_cell |
Unit cell visualization |
m_rotate |
Rotate scene by angle degrees around axis |
m_sel |
Selection Function for r3dmol |
m_set_background_color |
Set viewer properties |
m_set_color_by_element |
Set color by element |
m_set_default_cartoon_quality |
Set the default cartoon quality for newly created models |
m_set_height |
Set viewer properties |
m_set_hover_duration |
Set the duration of the hover delay |
m_set_preceived_distance |
Set the distance between the model and the camera |
m_set_projection |
Set view projection scheme |
m_set_slab |
Set slab of view |
m_set_style |
Add Style to Selection |
m_set_view |
Sets the view to the specified translation, zoom, rotation and style |
m_set_viewer |
Set viewer properties |
m_set_width |
Set viewer properties |
m_set_zoom_limits |
Set lower and upper limit stops for zoom |
m_shape_spec |
Specify Styling for Generic Shapes |
m_shiny_demo |
Run examples of using 'r3dmol' in a Shiny app |
m_spin |
Continuously rotate a scene around the specified axis |
m_stop_animate |
Stop animation of all models in viewer |
m_style_cartoon |
Specify Styling for Cartoon |
m_style_label |
Specify Styling for Labels |
m_style_line |
Specify Styling for Lines |
m_style_sphere |
Specify Styling for Sphere |
m_style_stick |
Specify Styling for Stick |
m_style_surface |
Specify Styling for Surface |
m_translate |
Translate current view or models by x,y screen coordinates |
m_translate_scene |
Translate current view or models by x,y screen coordinates |
m_unit_cell |
Unit cell visualization |
m_vector3 |
Create a 3 dimensional vector |
m_vibrate |
Add model's vibration |
m_viewer_spec |
Specifying setup options for viewer |
m_zoom |
Zoom current view by a constant factor |
m_zoom_to |
Zoom to center of atom selection |
pdb_1j72 |
Crystal Structure of Mutant Macrophage Capping Protein (Cap G) with Actin-severing Activity in the Ca2+-Free Form in PDB format |
pdb_6zsl |
Crystal structure of the SARS-CoV-2 helicase at 1.94 Angstrom resolution in PDB format |
r3dmol |
Initialise a WebGL-based viewer |
r3dmol-shiny |
Shiny bindings for r3dmol |
r3dmolOutput |
Shiny bindings for r3dmol |
renderR3dmol |
Shiny bindings for r3dmol |
sdf_multiple |
Multiple sdf file example |
xyz_multiple |
Multiple xyz file example |