get_parameters {r3PG}R Documentation

Get parameter sets


Gets parameter sets from published studies with 3PG


get_parameters(mode = "overview", sp_names = NULL)



must be one of the following: full, overview, source, comments, parameters, sizeDist


names of the species. The 'sp_names' must be either a scientific name (Picea abies). If passing parameters or sizeDist to mode, it also possible to use a scientific name with a integer, which is the value of parset_id, e.g. Picea abies 37. If unsure, consider using first the option mode = overview with sp_names = NULL. See details below for more information.


This function access the parameter database stored in the package, which is named i_parameters_lit, and also accessible without this function. If mode = overview, a simplified table with all existing parameter sets will be returned. A extended version including information about to the source and remarks can be obtained with mode = comments. A complete description of the source is returned with mode = source. The full version of this table (species,source, comments, parameters) will be returned if mode = full. Alternatively, with mode = parameters and mode = sizeDist, it is possible to obtain parameters in the format required by run_3PG.

Passing species names with sp_names will selecting from the table the desired species. Please note that one species might have more than one available parameter sets, unless species names contain the parset_id value. Please also note that mode = source is not compatible with sp_names.

The parameter sets were obtained from published studies. For basic information about this dataset check in i_parameters_lit. Relevant information about the parameter sets and the corresponding studies is provided in the table. For further information, please consider checking the original publications.


a data frame with parameter sets for all available species, or only the requested species, if sp_names is not null.

See Also

run_3PG, i_parameters_lit


# see an overview of the existing parameter sets
get_parameters(mode = 'overview')
get_parameters(mode = 'overview', sp_names = c('Eucalyptus globulus', 'Pinus sylvestris' ) )

# see existing parameter sets and comments
get_parameters(mode = 'comments')
get_parameters(mode = 'comments', sp_names = c('Eucalyptus globulus', 'Pinus sylvestris' ) )

# see parameters and source information
get_parameters(mode = 'source')

# obtain parameter sets in for some species in the format required by run_3PG
get_parameters(mode = 'parameters', sp_names = c('Fagus sylvatica', 'Picea abies'))
get_parameters(mode = 'parameters', sp_names = 'Fagus sylvatica 34' )
get_parameters(mode = 'sizeDist', sp_names = c('Fagus sylvatica 9', 'Picea abies 37'))

# see parameter sets with full information (species, source, parameters)
get_parameters(mode = 'full')
get_parameters(mode = 'full', sp_names = c('Fagus sylvatica', 'Pinus radiata' ) )

[Package r3PG version 0.1.6 Index]