r2mlm_comp_manual {r2mlm}R Documentation

Compute R-squared differences between two multilevel models, manually inputting parameter estimates.


r2mlm_comp_manual reads in raw data and multilevel model (MLM) parameter estimates from two separate models under comparison (designated Model A and Model B), and outputs all R-squared measures in the Rights and Sterba (2019) framework for both models, as well as R-squared differences between the two models. Definitions of these R-squared difference measures are provided in Rights & Sterba (2020) Table 1; importantly, to detect the impact of a specific kind of term (e.g., the kind of term added to Model A to form Model B), a particular target single-source R-squared difference measure from this framework is used. For instructions on how to identify which target single-source R-squared difference measure to interpret to detect the impact of which kind of term that distinguishes Model A from B, see Rights and Sterba (2020) Table 2. Additionally, this function produces side-by-side graphical comparisons of the R-squared measures for Model A vs. Model B that can be used to visualize changes in each measure across models. This function assumes all level-1 predictors are cluster-mean-centered for reasons described in Rights & Sterba (2020). Any number of level-1 and/or level-2 predictors is supported and any of the level-1 predictors can have random slopes. This function can be used with either the hierarchical or the simultaneous model-building approach described in Rights and Sterba (2020). This function can also be used with either nested or non-nested model comparisons (in which R-squared estimates for Model A are subtracted from those for Model B).


  bargraph = TRUE



Dataset with rows denoting observations and columns denoting variables.

within_covs_modA, within_covs_modB

List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the dataset of the level-1 predictors used in the MLM (if none used, set to NULL).

between_covs_modA, between_covs_modB

List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the dataset of the level-2 predictors used in the MLM (if none used, set to NULL).

random_covs_modA, random_covs_modB

List of numbers corresponding to the columns in the dataset of the level-1 predictors that have random slopes in the MLM (if no random slopes, set to NULL).

gamma_w_modA, gamma_w_modB

Vector of fixed slope estimates for all level-1 predictors, to be entered in the order of the predictors listed by within_covs (if none, set to NULL).

gamma_b_modA, gamma_b_modB

Vector of fixed intercept estimate (if applicable; see has_intercept below) and fixed slope estimates for all level-2 predictors, to be entered intercept first (if applicable) followed by level-2 slopes in the order listed by between_covs (if none, set to NULL).

Tau_modA, Tau_modB

Random effect covariance matrix; note that the first row/column denotes the intercept variance and covariances (if intercept is fixed, set all to 0) and each subsequent row/column denotes a given random slope’s variance and covariances (to be entered in the order listed by random_covs).

sigma2_modA, sigma2_modB

Level-1 residual variance.


Optional bar graph output, default is TRUE.


If the inputs are valid models, then the output will be a list and associated graphical representation of R-squared decompositions.

See Also

Rights, J. D., & Sterba, S. K. (2019). Quantifying explained variance in multilevel models: An integrative framework for defining R-squared measures. Psychological Methods, 24(3), 309–338. <doi:10.1037/met0000184>

Rights, J. D., & Sterba, S. K. (2020). New recommendations on the use of R-squared differences in multilevel model comparisons. Multivariate Behavioral Research. <doi:10.1080/00273171.2019.1660605>

Other r2mlm model comparison functions: r2mlm_comp()


# Model A: no "salary" components included

modelA <- lmer(satisfaction ~ 1 + control_c + control_m + s_t_ratio + (1 +
control_c | schoolID), data = teachsat, REML = TRUE, control =
lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

# Model B: full model with "salary" components included

modelB <- lmer(satisfaction ~ 1 + salary_c + control_c + salary_m + control_m
+ s_t_ratio + (1 + salary_c + control_c | schoolID), data = teachsat, REML =
TRUE, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

r2mlm_comp_manual(data = teachsat,
                  within_covs_modA = c(4),
                  between_covs_modA = c(6, 8),
                  random_covs_modA = c(4),
                  gamma_w_modA = c(0.314410),
                  gamma_b_modA = c(6.892046, 0.059464, -0.037376),
                  Tau_modA = matrix(c(0.559, 0.0105, 0.0105, 0.0273),
                                    2, 2),
                  sigma2_modA = 1.19295,
                  within_covs_modB = c(5, 4),
                  between_covs_modB = c(7, 6, 8),
                  random_covs_modB = c(5, 4),
                  gamma_w_modB = c(0.074485, 0.310800),
                  gamma_b_modB = c(4.352652, 0.036759, 0.027532, -0.035250),
                  Tau_modB = matrix(c(0.387, 0.0000646, 0.00625,
                                      0.0000646, 0.00277, -0.000333,
                                      0.00625, -0.000333, 0.0285), 3, 3),
                 sigma2_modB = 0.550311)

[Package r2mlm version 0.3.7 Index]