Computes R Squared for Mixed (Multilevel) Models

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Documentation for package ‘r2glmm’ version 0.1.2

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calc_sgv Compute the standardized generalized variance (SGV) of a blocked diagonal matrix.
cmp_R2 Compute R2 with a specified C matrix
glmPQL Compute PQL estimates for fixed effects from a generalized linear model.
is.CompSym Checks if a matrix is Compound Symmetric.
make.partial.C Generate partial contrast matrices
plot.R2 Visualize standardized effect sizes and model R squared
pqlmer pqlmer
print.R2 Print the contents of an R2 object
r2beta r2beta Compute R Squared for Mixed Models
r2dt R Squared Difference Test (R2DT). Test for a statistically significant difference in generalized explained variance between two candidate models.