Visualize the Climate Scenario Alignment of a Financial Portfolio

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Documentation for package ‘r2dii.plot’ version 0.4.0

Help Pages

market_share An example of a 'market_share'-like dataset
palette_colours Colour datasets
plot_emission_intensity Create an emission intensity plot
plot_techmix Create a techmix plot
plot_trajectory Create a trajectory plot
prep_emission_intensity Prepare data for a emission intensity plot
prep_techmix Prepare data for plotting technology mix
prep_trajectory Prepare data for a trajectory plot
qplot_emission_intensity Create a quick emission intensity plot
qplot_techmix Create a quick techmix plot
qplot_trajectory Create a quick trajectory plot
r2dii_colours Colour datasets
recode_metric_techmix Replicate labels produced with qplot_*() functions
recode_metric_trajectory Replicate labels produced with qplot_*() functions
scale_color_r2dii Custom 2DII colour and fill scales
scale_color_r2dii_sector Custom 2DII sector colour and fill scales
scale_color_r2dii_tech Custom 2DII technology colour and fill scales
scale_colour_r2dii Custom 2DII colour and fill scales
scale_colour_r2dii_sector Custom 2DII sector colour and fill scales
scale_colour_r2dii_tech Custom 2DII technology colour and fill scales
scale_fill_r2dii Custom 2DII colour and fill scales
scale_fill_r2dii_sector Custom 2DII sector colour and fill scales
scale_fill_r2dii_tech Custom 2DII technology colour and fill scales
scenario_colours Colour datasets
sda An example of an 'sda'-like dataset
sector_colours Colour datasets
spell_out_technology Replicate labels produced with qplot_*() functions
technology_colours Colour datasets
theme_2dii Complete theme
to_title Replicate labels produced with qplot_*() functions