Country Data with Names, Capitals, Currencies, Populations, Time, Languages and so on

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Documentation for package ‘r2country’ version

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byContinent Fetch countries by continent
callingCodeOf Fetch the calling code of a country
capitalOf Fetch the latest capital of a country
city_time Dataset of current time in Cities
continentOf Fetch the continent of a country
COUNTRIES Names of all countries in upper case
countries Names of all countries
countryEndsWith Fetch countries that ends with specified characters
countryHas Fetch countries that contains with specified characters
countryStartsWith Fetch countries that start with specified characters
country_calling_code Dataset of countries and their calling code
country_capital Dataset of countries and their capitals
country_continent Dataset of countries and their continents
country_language Dataset of country official languages
country_money Dataset for Country Currencies
country_names Dataset of country names
country_population Dataset of countries and their latest population
currencyOf Fetch the currency of a country
languageEndsWith Fetch countries data with official language ending in specified character
languageHas Fetch countries data based on official language prefix
languageOf Fetch the official language of a country
languageStartsWith Fetch countries data based on official language prefix
populationOf Fetch the latest population count of a country
timeIn Fetch the current time in a specific city