Visualising How Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Warps Your Data

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Documentation for package ‘quollr’ version 0.1.1

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assign_data Assign data to hexagons
avg_highd_data Create a dataframe with averaged high-dimensional data
calc_bins Calculate the effective number of bins along x-axis and y-axis
calc_y_max Compute maximum value of y for scaling
cal_2d_dist Calculate 2D Euclidean distances between vertices
compute_aic Compute the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for a given model.
compute_mean_density_hex Compute mean density of hexagonal bins
compute_std_counts Compute standardize counts in hexagons
extract_hexbin_centroids Extract hexagonal bin centroids coordinates and the corresponding standardize counts.
find_lg_benchmark Compute a benchmark value to remove long edges
find_low_dens_hex Find low-density Hexagons
find_non_empty_bins Find the number of bins required to achieve required number of non-empty bins.
find_pts Find points in hexagonal bins
fit_highd_model Construct the 2D model and lift into high-D
gen_centroids Generate centroid coordinate
gen_edges Generate edge information
gen_hex_coord Generate hexagonal polygon coordinates
gen_scaled_data Scaling the data
gen_summary Generate evaluation metrics
GeomTrimesh GeomTrimesh: A Custom ggplot2 Geom for Triangular Meshes
geom_trimesh Create a trimesh plot
hex_binning Hexagonal binning
predict_emb Predict 2D embeddings
show_langevitour Visualize the model overlaid on high-dimensional data
stat_trimesh stat_trimesh Custom Stat for trimesh plot
s_curve_noise S-curve dataset with noise dimensions
s_curve_noise_test S-curve dataset with noise dimensions for test
s_curve_noise_training S-curve dataset with noise dimensions for training
s_curve_noise_umap UMAP embedding for S-curve dataset which with noise dimensions
s_curve_noise_umap_predict Predicted UMAP embedding for S-curve dataset which with noise dimensions
s_curve_noise_umap_scaled Scaled UMAP embedding for S-curve dataset which with noise dimensions
tri_bin_centroids Triangulate bin centroids
vis_lg_mesh Visualize triangular mesh with coloured long edges
vis_rmlg_mesh Visualize triangular mesh after removing the long edges