quint.bootstrapCI {quint} | R Documentation |
Bootstrap method to compute confidence intervals for Qualitative Interaction Trees (Quint)
A bootstrap algorithm based on Loh et al. (2015) to estimate the confidence intervals of the difference in mean outcome between the two treatments in each leaf.
quint.bootstrapCI(tree, n_boot, boot_r = 1)
tree |
a (pruned) quint object of class |
n_boot |
number of bootstrap samples. |
boot_r |
bootstrap sample size expressed as proportion of total sample size. Default value is 1. |
The details of this validation procedure are described in "Instability of QUalitative INteraction Trees: Quantifying uncertainty in decision trees." ( https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/83059)
Returns two lists: A first one ($tree) containing an object of the class quint
, and a list ($bootinfo) with
estimates obtained from the bootstrap procedure containing the following components:
nleaves |
vector containing the number of leaves in each of the estimated trees in the bootstrap samples. |
meanT_1 |
a matrix containing for each bootstrap sample (= rows) the mean outcome for Treatment A (T=1) in each leaf of the input quint tree (= columns) using the subjects in the intersection. |
meanT_2 |
a matrix containing for each bootstrap sample (= rows) the mean outcome for Treatment B (T=2) in each leaf of the input quint tree (= columns) using the subjects in the intersection.a matrix containing the mean outcome for Treatment 2 in each leaf using the subjects in the intersection. |
meandif |
a matrix containing the difference in means between Treatment A and Treatment B in each leaf for each bootstrap sample. |
bias_est |
vector containing the bias in each leaf of the quint tree. |
meanboot |
vector containing the bootstrap estimates of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf. |
CIs |
vector containing the confidence intervals of the estimate of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf. |
se_est |
vector containing the new estimates of the standard error of the difference of means between treatments in each leaf. |
Dusseldorp E. and Van Mechelen I. (2014). Qualitative interaction trees: a tool to identify qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions. Statistics in Medicine, 33(2), 219-237. DOI: 10.1002/sim.5933. Beck C., Dusseldorp E. and Fokkema M. (2019). Instability of QUalitative INteraction Trees: Quantifying uncertainty in decision trees. (https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/83059))
See Also
, prune.quint
, quint.control
## Not run: data(bcrp)
formula1<- I(cesdt1-cesdt3)~cond | nationality+marital+wcht1+age+
control1<-quint.control(maxl=5, B=2, crit="dm")
quint1<-quint(formula1, data= subset(bcrp,bcrp$cond<3),control=control1) #Grow a QUINT tree
prquint1<-prune(quint1) #Prune tree to optimal size
bootquint1<-quint.bootstrapCI(prquint1, n_boot = 5) #apply the bootstrap procedure
#the summary of the tree with the new standard errors obtained from the bootstrap procedure
#all results of the bootstrap procedure
#plot wiht 95% confidence intervals using the new standard errors
## End(Not run)