Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences

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Documentation for package ‘quid’ version 0.0.1

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quid-package Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences
BFBayesFactorConstraint-class S4 class for representing Bayes factor model comparisons and the Bayes factor for user-defined constraints
BFConstraint-class S4 class for representing constraints
calculateDifferences Calculate differences between conditions specified in constraints
constraintBF Function to compute Bayes factors for ordinal constraints
ld5 The dataset from Rouder et al. (2005) on the lexical task.
plotEffects Plot a BFBayesFactorConstraint object
quid Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences
stroop Stroop Dataset from Von Bastian et al. (2015)