Fits Psychometric Functions for Multiple Groups

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Documentation for package ‘quickpsy’ version

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aic Calculates the AICs
avbootstrap Creates bootstrap samples
cum_normal_fun Cumulative normal function
deviance Calculates the deviances
devianceboot Calculates the bootsrap deviances
get_functions Predefined functions
inv_cum_normal_fun Inverse cumulative normal function
inv_logistic_fun Inverse logistic function
inv_weibull_fun Inverse Weibull function
logistic_fun Logistic function
logliks Calculates the loglikelihoods 'logliks' calculates the loglikelihoods.
logliksboot Calculates the bootstrap loglikelihoods
logliksbootsaturated Calculates the bootstrap loglikelihoods for the saturated model
loglikssaturated Calculates the loglikelihoods of the saturated model
parbootstrap Creates bootstrap samples of the parameters
plotcurves Plot the curves
plotcurves_ Plot the curves
plotpar Plot the values of the parameters
plotpar_ Plot the values of the parameters
plotthresholds Plot the thresholds
plotthresholds_ Plot the thresholds
qpdat Data set for demonstration
quickpsy Fits psychometric functions
quickpsy_ Fits psychometric functions
quickreadfiles Reads several files
sse Sum of squared errors of prediction
summary.quickpsy Plot the parameters and its confidence intervals 'summary' Plot the parameters and its confidence intervals
weibull_fun Weibull function
ypred Predicted probabilities