A System of Plotting Optimized for Speed and Modularity

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Documentation for package ‘quickPlot’ version 1.0.2

Help Pages

quickPlot-package The 'quickPlot' package
.hasBbox Test whether class has 'bbox' method
.parseElems Parsing of elements
.parseElems-method Parsing of elements
clearPlot Clear plotting device
clearPlot-method Clear plotting device
coordinates Extract coordinates from a variety of spatial objects
coordinates-method Extract coordinates from a variety of spatial objects
dev Specify where to plot
dev.useRSGD Open a new plotting window
divergentColors Divergent colour palette
divergentColors-method Divergent colour palette
divergentColours Divergent colour palette
equalExtent Assess whether a list of extents are all equal
equalExtent-method Assess whether a list of extents are all equal
extent Get extent of a variety of spatial objects
extent-method Get extent of a variety of spatial objects
getColors Get and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
getColours Get and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
gpar Importing some grid functions
isRstudioServer Determine if current session is RStudio Server
layerNames Extract the layer names of Spatial Objects
layerNames-method Extract the layer names of Spatial Objects
makeLines Make 'SpatialLines' object from two 'SpatialPoints' objects
newPlot Open a new plotting window
numLayers Find the number of layers in an object
Plot 'Plot': Fast, optimally arranged, multi-panel plotting
Plot-method 'Plot': Fast, optimally arranged, multi-panel plotting
quickPlot The 'quickPlot' package
quickPlotClasses 'quickPlot' classes
rePlot 'Plot': Fast, optimally arranged, multi-panel plotting
sample-maps Dummy maps included with 'quickPlot'
setColors Get and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
setColors<- Get and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
setColours Get and set colours for plotting Raster* objects
sp2sl Convert pairs of coordinates to 'SpatialLines'
thin Thin a polygon using 'fastshp::thin'
thin.default Thin a polygon using 'fastshp::thin'
thnSpatialPolygons Thin a polygon using 'fastshp::thin'
whereInStack Find the environment in the call stack that contains an object by name