getSdNaive-SmoothedPG {quantspec}R Documentation

Get estimates for the standard deviation of the smoothed quantile periodogram.


Determines and returns an array of dimension [J,K1,K2], where J=length(frequencies), K1=length(levels.1), and K2=length(levels.2)). Whether available or not, boostrap repetitions are ignored by this procedure. At position (j,k1,k2) the returned value is the standard deviation estimated corresponding to frequencies[j], levels.1[k1] and levels.2[k2] that are closest to the frequencies, levels.1 and levels.2 available in object; closest.pos is used to determine what closest to means.


## S4 method for signature 'SmoothedPG'
  frequencies = 2 * pi * (0:(lenTS(object@qPG@freqRep@Y) -
  levels.1 = getLevels(object, 1),
  levels.2 = getLevels(object, 2),
  d1 = 1:(dim(object@values)[2]),
  d2 = 1:(dim(object@values)[4]),
  impl = c("R", "C")



SmoothedPG of which to get the estimates for the standard deviation.


a vector of frequencies for which to get the result


the first vector of levels for which to get the result


the second vector of levels for which to get the result


optional parameter that determine for which j1 to return the data; may be a vector of elements 1, ..., D


same as d1, but for j2


choose "R" or "C" for one of the two implementations available


If not only one, but multiple time series are under study, the dimension of the returned vector is of dimension [J,P,K1,P,K2,B+1], where P denotes the dimension of the time series.

Requires that the SmoothedPG is available at all Fourier frequencies from (0,π](0,\pi]. If this is not the case the missing values are imputed by taking one that is available and has a frequency that is closest to the missing Fourier frequency; closest.pos is used to determine which one this is.

A precise definition on how the standard deviations of the smoothed quantile periodogram are estimated is given in Barunik&Kley (2015).

Note the “standard deviation” estimated here is not the square root of the complex-valued variance. It's real part is the square root of the variance of the real part of the estimator and the imaginary part is the square root of the imaginary part of the variance of the estimator.


Returns the estimate described above.


Dette, H., Hallin, M., Kley, T. & Volgushev, S. (2015). Of Copulas, Quantiles, Ranks and Spectra: an L1L_1-approach to spectral analysis. Bernoulli, 21(2), 781–831. [cf.]

[Package quantspec version 1.2-4 Index]