QuantilePG-class {quantspec} | R Documentation |
Class for a quantile (i. e., Laplace or copula) periodogram.
is an S4 class that implements the necessary
calculations to determine one of the periodogram-like statistics defined in
Dette et. al (2015) and Kley et. al (2016).
Performs all the calculations to determine a quantile periodogram from a
object upon initizalization (and on request
stores the values for faster access).
The two methods available for the estimation are the ones implemented as
subclasses of FreqRep
the Fourier transformation of the clipped time series
], orthe weighted
-projection of
onto an harmonic basis [cf.
All remarks made in the documentation of the super-class
object where the quantile periodogram will be based on.
Dette, H., Hallin, M., Kley, T. & Volgushev, S. (2015).
Of Copulas, Quantiles, Ranks and Spectra: an -approach to
spectral analysis. Bernoulli, 21(2), 781–831.
[cf. http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.7205]
Kley, T., Volgushev, S., Dette, H. & Hallin, M. (2016). Quantile Spectral Processes: Asymptotic Analysis and Inference. Bernoulli, 22(3), 1770–1807. [cf. http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.8104]
## This script illustrates how to work with QuantilePG objects
## Simulate a time series Y1,...,Y128 from the QAR(1) process discussed in
## Dette et. al (2015).
Y <- ts1(64)
## For a defined set of quantile levels
levels <- c(0.25,0.5,0.75)
## the various quantile periodograms can be calculated calling quantilePG:
## For a copula periodogram as in Dette et. al (2015) the option 'type="qr"'
## has to be used:
qPG.qr <- quantilePG(Y, levels.1 = levels, type="qr"))
## For the CR-periodogram as in Kley et. al (2016) the option 'type="clipped"'
## has to be used. If bootstrap estimates are to be used the parameters
## type.boot, B and l need to be specified.
qPG.cl <- quantilePG(Y, levels.1 = levels, type="clipped",
type.boot="mbb", B=250, l=2^5))
## The two previous calls also illustrate that computation of the CR-periodogram
## is much more efficient than the quantile-regression based copula periodogram.
## Either periodogram can be plotted using the plot command
## Because the indicators are not centered it is often desired to exclude the
## frequency 0; further more the frequencies (pi,2pi) are not wanted to be
## included in the plot, because f(w) = Conj(f(2 pi - w)).
## Using the plot command it is possible to select frequencies and levels for
## the diagram:
plot(qPG.cl, frequencies=2*pi*(1:32)/64, levels=c(0.25))
## We can also plot the same plot together with a (simulated) quantile spectral
## density kernel
csd <- quantileSD(N=2^8, seed.init = 2581, type = "copula",
ts = ts1, levels.1=c(0.25), R = 100)
plot(qPG.cl, qsd = csd, frequencies=2*pi*(1:32)/64, levels=c(0.25))
## Calling the getValues method allows for comparing the two quantile
## periodograms; here in a diagram:
freq <- 2*pi*(1:31)/32
V.cl <- getValues(qPG.cl, frequencies = freq, levels.1=c(0.25))
V.qr <- getValues(qPG.qr, frequencies = freq, levels.1=c(0.25))
plot(x = freq/(2*pi), Re(V.cl[,1,1,1]), type="l",
ylab="real part -- quantile PGs", xlab=expression(omega/2*pi))
lines(x = freq/(2*pi), Re(V.qr[,1,1,1]), col="red")
## Now plot the imaginary parts of the quantile spectra for tau1 = 0.25
## and tau2 = 0.5
freq <- 2*pi*(1:31)/32
V.cl <- getValues(qPG.cl, frequencies = freq, levels.1=c(0.25, 0.5))
V.qr <- getValues(qPG.qr, frequencies = freq, levels.1=c(0.25, 0.5))
plot(x = freq/(2*pi), Im(V.cl[,1,2,1]), type="l",
ylab="imaginary part -- quantile PGs", xlab=expression(omega/2*pi))
lines(x = freq/(2*pi), Im(V.qr[,1,2,1]), col="red")