Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data

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Documentation for package ‘quanteda’ version 4.0.2

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A B C D F I K M N P Q S T misc

-- A --

as.character.corpus Coercion and checking methods for corpus objects
as.character.tokens Coercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens objects
as.corpus Coercion and checking methods for corpus objects
as.data.frame.kwic Locate keywords-in-context
as.dfm Coercion and checking functions for dfm objects
as.dictionary Coercion and checking functions for dictionary objects
as.dictionary.data.frame Coercion and checking functions for dictionary objects
as.fcm Coercion and checking functions for fcm objects
as.list.tokens Coercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens objects
as.matrix.dfm Coerce a dfm to a matrix or data.frame
as.phrase Declare a pattern to be a sequence of separate patterns
as.tokens Coercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens objects
as.tokens.spacyr_parsed Coercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens objects
as.tokens_xptr Methods for tokens_xptr objects
as.tokens_xptr.tokens Methods for tokens_xptr objects
as.tokens_xptr.tokens_xptr Methods for tokens_xptr objects
as.yaml Convert quanteda dictionary objects to the YAML format

-- B --

bootstrap_dfm Bootstrap a dfm

-- C --

char_keep Select or remove elements from a character vector
char_ngrams Create n-grams and skip-grams from tokens
char_remove Select or remove elements from a character vector
char_segment Segment texts on a pattern match
char_select Select or remove elements from a character vector
char_tolower Convert the case of character objects
char_toupper Convert the case of character objects
char_trim Remove sentences based on their token lengths or a pattern match
char_wordstem Stem the terms in an object
concat Return the concatenator character from an object
concatenator Return the concatenator character from an object
convert Convert quanteda objects to non-quanteda formats
convert.corpus Convert quanteda objects to non-quanteda formats
convert.dfm Convert quanteda objects to non-quanteda formats
corpus Construct a corpus object
corpus.character Construct a corpus object
corpus.Corpus Construct a corpus object
corpus.corpus Construct a corpus object
corpus.data.frame Construct a corpus object
corpus.kwic Construct a corpus object
corpus_group Combine documents in corpus by a grouping variable
corpus_reshape Recast the document units of a corpus
corpus_sample Randomly sample documents from a corpus
corpus_segment Segment texts on a pattern match
corpus_subset Extract a subset of a corpus
corpus_trim Remove sentences based on their token lengths or a pattern match

-- D --

data_char_sampletext A paragraph of text for testing various text-based functions
data_char_ukimmig2010 Immigration-related sections of 2010 UK party manifestos
data_corpus_inaugural US presidential inaugural address texts
data_dfm_lbgexample dfm from data in Table 1 of Laver, Benoit, and Garry (2003)
data_dictionary_LSD2015 Lexicoder Sentiment Dictionary (2015)
dfm Create a document-feature matrix
dfm_compress Recombine a dfm or fcm by combining identical dimension elements
dfm_group Combine documents in a dfm by a grouping variable
dfm_keep Select features from a dfm or fcm
dfm_lookup Apply a dictionary to a dfm
dfm_match Match the feature set of a dfm to given feature names
dfm_remove Select features from a dfm or fcm
dfm_replace Replace features in dfm
dfm_sample Randomly sample documents from a dfm
dfm_select Select features from a dfm or fcm
dfm_smooth Weight the feature frequencies in a dfm
dfm_sort Sort a dfm by frequency of one or more margins
dfm_subset Extract a subset of a dfm
dfm_tfidf Weight a dfm by _tf-idf_
dfm_tolower Convert the case of the features of a dfm and combine
dfm_toupper Convert the case of the features of a dfm and combine
dfm_trim Trim a dfm using frequency threshold-based feature selection
dfm_weight Weight the feature frequencies in a dfm
dfm_wordstem Stem the terms in an object
dictionary Create a dictionary
docfreq Compute the (weighted) document frequency of a feature
docid Get or set document names
docnames Get or set document names
docnames<- Get or set document names
docvars Get or set document-level variables
docvars<- Get or set document-level variables

-- F --

fcm Create a feature co-occurrence matrix
fcm_compress Recombine a dfm or fcm by combining identical dimension elements
fcm_keep Select features from a dfm or fcm
fcm_remove Select features from a dfm or fcm
fcm_select Select features from a dfm or fcm
fcm_sort Sort an fcm in alphabetical order of the features
fcm_tolower Convert the case of the features of a dfm and combine
fcm_toupper Convert the case of the features of a dfm and combine
featfreq Compute the frequencies of features
featnames Get the feature labels from a dfm

-- I --

index Locate a pattern in a tokens object
is.collocations Check if an object is collocations
is.corpus Coercion and checking methods for corpus objects
is.dfm Coercion and checking functions for dfm objects
is.dictionary Coercion and checking functions for dictionary objects
is.fcm Create a feature co-occurrence matrix
is.index Locate a pattern in a tokens object
is.kwic Locate keywords-in-context
is.phrase Declare a pattern to be a sequence of separate patterns
is.tokens Coercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens objects
is.tokens_xptr Methods for tokens_xptr objects

-- K --

kwic Locate keywords-in-context

-- M --

meta Get or set object metadata
meta<- Get or set object metadata

-- N --

ndoc Count the number of documents or features
nfeat Count the number of documents or features
nsentence Count the number of sentences
ntoken Count the number of tokens or types
ntype Count the number of tokens or types

-- P --

phrase Declare a pattern to be a sequence of separate patterns
print-method Print methods for quanteda core objects
print-methods Print methods for quanteda core objects
print.corpus Print methods for quanteda core objects
print.dfm Print methods for quanteda core objects
print.dictionary Print methods for quanteda core objects
print.kwic Print methods for quanteda core objects
print.tokens Print methods for quanteda core objects

-- Q --

quanteda_options Get or set package options for quanteda

-- S --

segid Get or set document names
spacyr-methods Extensions for and from spacy_parse objects
sparsity Compute the sparsity of a document-feature matrix

-- T --

textmodels Models for scaling and classification of textual data
textplots Plots for textual data
textstats Statistics for textual data
tokens Construct a tokens object
tokens_chunk Segment tokens object by chunks of a given size
tokens_compound Convert token sequences into compound tokens
tokens_group Combine documents in a tokens object by a grouping variable
tokens_keep Select or remove tokens from a tokens object
tokens_lookup Apply a dictionary to a tokens object
tokens_ngrams Create n-grams and skip-grams from tokens
tokens_remove Select or remove tokens from a tokens object
tokens_replace Replace tokens in a tokens object
tokens_sample Randomly sample documents from a tokens object
tokens_select Select or remove tokens from a tokens object
tokens_skipgrams Create n-grams and skip-grams from tokens
tokens_split Split tokens by a separator pattern
tokens_subset Extract a subset of a tokens
tokens_tolower Convert the case of tokens
tokens_toupper Convert the case of tokens
tokens_wordstem Stem the terms in an object
tokens_xptr Methods for tokens_xptr objects
topfeatures Identify the most frequent features in a dfm
types Get word types from a tokens object

-- misc --

$.corpus Get or set document-level variables
$.dfm Get or set document-level variables
$.tokens Get or set document-level variables
$<-.corpus Get or set document-level variables
$<-.dfm Get or set document-level variables
$<-.tokens Get or set document-level variables