data_corpus_dailnoconf1991 |
Confidence debate from 1991 Irish Parliament |
data_corpus_EPcoaldebate |
Crowd-labelled sentence corpus from a 2010 EP debate on coal subsidies |
data_corpus_irishbudget2010 |
Irish budget speeches from 2010 |
data_corpus_moviereviews |
Movie reviews with polarity from Pang and Lee (2004) |
textmodel_affinity |
Class affinity maximum likelihood text scaling model |
textmodel_ca |
Correspondence analysis of a document-feature matrix |
textmodel_lr |
Logistic regression classifier for texts |
textmodel_lsa |
Latent Semantic Analysis |
textmodel_nb |
Naive Bayes classifier for texts |
textmodel_svm |
Linear SVM classifier for texts |
textmodel_wordfish |
Wordfish text model |
textmodel_wordscores |
Wordscores text model |