Region Quadtrees for Spatial Data

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Documentation for package ‘quadtree’ version 0.1.14

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quadtree-package Quadtree Representation of Rasters
add_legend Add a gradient legend to a plot
as_character Convert to other R spatial objects
as_data_frame Convert a 'Quadtree' to a data frame
as_data_frame-method Convert a 'Quadtree' to a data frame
as_raster Create a raster from a 'Quadtree'
as_raster-method Create a raster from a 'Quadtree'
as_sf Convert to other R spatial objects
as_vect Convert to other R spatial objects
as_vector Get all 'Quadtree' cell values as a vector
as_vector-method Get all 'Quadtree' cell values as a vector
copy Create a deep copy of a 'Quadtree'
copy-method Create a deep copy of a 'Quadtree'
copy.Quadtree Create a deep copy of a 'Quadtree'
CppLcpFinder 'CppLcpFinder': C++ LCP finder
CppLcpFinder-class 'CppLcpFinder': C++ LCP finder
CppNode 'CppNode': C++ quadtree node
CppNode-class 'CppNode': C++ quadtree node
CppQuadtree 'CppQuadtree': C++ quadtree data structure
CppQuadtree-class 'CppQuadtree': C++ quadtree data structure
extent Get the extent of a 'Quadtree'
extent-method Get the extent of a 'Quadtree'
extent.Quadtree Get the extent of a 'Quadtree'
extract Extract 'Quadtree' values
extract-method Extract 'Quadtree' values
extract.Quadtree Extract 'Quadtree' values
find_lcp Find the LCP between two points on a 'Quadtree'
find_lcp-method Find the LCP between two points on a 'Quadtree'
find_lcp.LcpFinder Find the LCP between two points on a 'Quadtree'
find_lcp.Quadtree Find the LCP between two points on a 'Quadtree'
find_lcps Find LCPs to surrounding points
find_lcps-method Find LCPs to surrounding points
get_neighbors Get the neighbors of a 'Quadtree' cell
get_neighbors-method Get the neighbors of a 'Quadtree' cell
LcpFinder LcpFinder Class
LcpFinder-class LcpFinder Class
lcp_finder Create a 'LcpFinder'
lcp_finder-method Create a 'LcpFinder'
lines-method Plot a 'LcpFinder' object
lines.LcpFinder Plot a 'LcpFinder' object
n_cells Get the number of cells in a 'Quadtree'
n_cells-method Get the number of cells in a 'Quadtree'
plot Plot a 'Quadtree'
plot-method Plot a 'Quadtree'
plot.LcpFinder Plot a 'LcpFinder' object
plot.Quadtree Plot a 'Quadtree'
points-method Plot a 'LcpFinder' object
points.LcpFinder Plot a 'LcpFinder' object
projection Retrieve the projection of a 'Quadtree'
projection-method Retrieve the projection of a 'Quadtree'
projection<- Retrieve the projection of a 'Quadtree'
projection<--method Retrieve the projection of a 'Quadtree'
Quadtree Quadtree class
quadtree Create a 'Quadtree' from a raster or matrix
Quadtree-class Quadtree class
quadtree-method Create a 'Quadtree' from a raster or matrix
Rcpp_CppNode 'CppNode': C++ quadtree node
Rcpp_CppNode-class 'CppNode': C++ quadtree node
Rcpp_CppQuadtree 'CppQuadtree': C++ quadtree data structure
Rcpp_CppQuadtree-class 'CppQuadtree': C++ quadtree data structure
read_quadtree Read/write a 'Quadtree'
read_quadtree-method Read/write a 'Quadtree'
set_values Change values of 'Quadtree' cells
set_values-method Change values of 'Quadtree' cells
show-method Show a summary of a 'LcpFinder'
show-method Show a summary of a 'Quadtree'
show.LcpFinder Show a summary of a 'LcpFinder'
show.Quadtree Show a summary of a 'Quadtree'
summarize_lcps Get a matrix summarizing all LCPs found by a 'LcpFinder'
summarize_lcps-method Get a matrix summarizing all LCPs found by a 'LcpFinder'
summary-method Show a summary of a 'LcpFinder'
summary-method Show a summary of a 'Quadtree'
summary.LcpFinder Show a summary of a 'LcpFinder'
summary.Quadtree Show a summary of a 'Quadtree'
transform_values Transform the values of all 'Quadtree' cells
transform_values-method Transform the values of all 'Quadtree' cells
write_quadtree Read/write a 'Quadtree'
write_quadtree-method Read/write a 'Quadtree'
write_quadtree_ptr Read/write a 'Quadtree'
write_quadtree_ptr-method Read/write a 'Quadtree'