qdg {qtlnet}R Documentation

Produces a directed graph using QDG algorithm


This function implements the QDG algorithm described in Chaibub Neto et al 2008. It creates and scores QDGs. The computed scores (log-likelihood and BIC) are only valid for acyclic graphs. For cyclic networks qdgSEM should be used to compute the scores.


qdg(cross, phenotype.names, marker.names, QTL, alpha, 
    n.qdg.random.starts, addcov = NULL, intcov = NULL, 
    skel.method = c("pcskel","udgskel"), udg.order = 2)
graph.qdg(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qdg'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qdg'
summary(object, ...)



object of class cross (see read.cross).


character string with names of phenotype nodes corresponding to phenotypes in cross.


list of character strings, one for each of phenotype.names. Each character string has the marker names for that phenotype.


object of class qtl (see makeqtl).


significance level threshold for PC or UDG algorithms (for the inference of the graph skeleton. See step 1 of the QDG algorithm). Must be between 0 and 1.


number of random starts for the QDG algorithm (see step 3 of the QDG algorithm).


names of additive covariates. Must be valid phenotype names in cross. Expanded to include all intcov names.


names of additive covariates. Must be valid phenotype names in cross.


Either "pcskel" for the PC skeleton algorithm (skeleton) or "udgskel" for the UDG algorithm (approximate.UDG routine defined internal to qdg).


maximum allowed order of the UDG algorithm. Must be between zero and the number of variables minus 2.

x, object

object of class qdg.


additional arguments (ignored).


The log-likelihood and BIC scores are computed based in the factorization of the joint distribution, and hence are only valid for acyclic networks. For cyclic networks these scores are relative to the unnormalized likelihoods. Models include phenotypes and QTLs. The 'udgskel' method for the computation of the skeleton of the causal model should be used for small networks only (the UDG algorithm quickly becomes computationally infeasible as the number of nodes increases).


List object that inherits class "qdg" and "qdg" with components:


Undirected dependency graph from PC skeleton or UDG algorithms.


Directed dependency graph before recheck step (output of the step 2 of the QDG algorithm).


Solution with lowest BIC (best fit to the data).


Solutions of dependency graph after recheck step (output of steps 3, 4 and 5 of the QDG algorithm.)


List of character strings, one for each of phenotype.names. Each character string has the marker names for that phenotype.


Character string with names of phenotype nodes corresponding to phenotypes in cross.


Chaibub Neto et al. (2008) Inferring causal phenotype networks from segregating populations. Genetics 179: 1089-1100.

See Also



## simulate a genetic map (20 autosomes, 10 not equaly spaced markers per 
## chromosome)
mymap <- sim.map(len=rep(100,20), n.mar=10, eq.spacing=FALSE, include.x=FALSE)

## simulate an F2 cross object with n.ind (number of individuals)
n.ind <- 200
mycross <- sim.cross(map=mymap, n.ind=n.ind, type="f2")

## produce multiple imputations of genotypes using the 
## sim.geno function. The makeqtl function requires it,
## even though we are doing only one imputation (since 
## we don't have missing data and we are using the 
## genotypes in the markers, one imputation is enough)
mycross <- sim.geno(mycross,n.draws=1)

## sample markers (2 per phenotype)
genotypes <- pull.geno(mycross)
geno.names <- dimnames(genotypes)[[2]]
m1 <- sample(geno.names,2,replace=FALSE)
m2 <- sample(geno.names,2,replace=FALSE)
m3 <- sample(geno.names,2,replace=FALSE)
m4 <- sample(geno.names,2,replace=FALSE)

## get marker genotypes
g11 <- genotypes[,m1[1]]; g12 <- genotypes[,m1[2]]
g21 <- genotypes[,m2[1]]; g22 <- genotypes[,m2[2]]
g31 <- genotypes[,m3[1]]; g32 <- genotypes[,m3[2]]
g41 <- genotypes[,m4[1]]; g42 <- genotypes[,m4[2]]

## generate phenotypes
y1 <- runif(3,0.5,1)[g11] + runif(3,0.5,1)[g12] + rnorm(n.ind)
y2 <- runif(3,0.5,1)[g21] + runif(3,0.5,1)[g22] + rnorm(n.ind)
y3 <- runif(1,0.5,1) * y1 +  runif(1,0.5,1) * y2 + runif(3,0.5,1)[g31] +
      runif(3,0.5,1)[g32] + rnorm(n.ind)
y4 <- runif(1,0.5,1) * y3 + runif(3,0.5,1)[g41] + runif(3,0.5,1)[g42] +

## incorporate phenotypes to cross object
mycross$pheno <- data.frame(y1,y2,y3,y4)

## create markers list
markers <- list(m1,m2,m3,m4)
names(markers) <- c("y1","y2","y3","y4")

## create qtl object
allqtls <- list()
m1.pos <- find.markerpos(mycross, m1)
allqtls[[1]] <- makeqtl(mycross, chr = m1.pos[,"chr"], pos = m1.pos[,"pos"])
m2.pos <- find.markerpos(mycross, m2)
allqtls[[2]] <- makeqtl(mycross, chr = m2.pos[,"chr"], pos = m2.pos[,"pos"])
m3.pos <- find.markerpos(mycross, m3)
allqtls[[3]] <- makeqtl(mycross, chr = m3.pos[,"chr"], pos = m3.pos[,"pos"])
m4.pos <- find.markerpos(mycross, m4)
allqtls[[4]] <- makeqtl(mycross, chr = m4.pos[,"chr"], pos = m4.pos[,"pos"])
names(allqtls) <- c("y1","y2","y3","y4")

## infer QDG 
out <- qdg(cross=mycross, 
		phenotype.names = c("y1","y2","y3","y4"), 
		marker.names = markers, 
		QTL = allqtls, 
		alpha = 0.005, 

## Not run: 
gr <- graph.qdg(out)

## End(Not run)

[Package qtlnet version 1.5.4 Index]