Design of QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘qtlDesign’ version 0.953

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ci.length Calculating expected QTL confidence interval widths
deflate Information under null hypothesis of equal means
deflate.bc Information under null hypothesis of equal means
deflate.f2 Information under null hypothesis of equal means
detectable Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
detectable.bc Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
detectable.f2 Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
detectable.ri Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
eff1 Calculate scores for minimum moment abberations.
error.var Effect size, proportion variance explained, and error variance calculations
genetic.dist Utility functions
gmeans2effect Effect size, proportion variance explained, and error variance calculations
info Information under null hypothesis of equal means
info.bc Information under null hypothesis of equal means
info.f2 Information under null hypothesis of equal means
info2cost Functions to calculate information-cost ratios
info2cost.bc Functions to calculate information-cost ratios
info2cost.f2 Functions to calculate information-cost ratios
K1 Calculate scores for minimum moment abberations.
K12 Calculate scores for minimum moment abberations.
Kstat Calculate scores for minimum moment abberations.
mma Selective phenotyping with similarity measure 2
mma.level MMA utility
nullinfo Information under null hypothesis of equal means
optselection Optimal selection fraction
optselection.bc Optimal selection fraction
optselection.f2 Optimal selection fraction
optspacing Optimal marker spacing
optspacing.bc Optimal marker spacing
optspacing.f2 Optimal marker spacing
powercalc Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
powercalc.bc Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
powercalc.f2 Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
powercalc.ri Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
prop.var Effect size, proportion variance explained, and error variance calculations
recomb Utility functions
samplesize Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
samplesize.bc Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
samplesize.f2 Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
samplesize.ri Power, sample size, and detectable effect size calculations
tailprob Calculating thresholds and tail probabilities for genome scans
thresh Calculating thresholds and tail probabilities for genome scans
version.qtlDesign Version of qtlDesign package