plotInfo {qtl}R Documentation

Plot the proportion of missing genotype information


Plot a measure of the proportion of missing information in the genotype data.


plotInfo(x, chr, method=c("entropy","variance","both"), step=1,
          off.end=0, error.prob=0.001,
          alternate.chrid=FALSE, fourwaycross=c("all", "AB", "CD"),
          include.genofreq=FALSE, ...)



An object of class cross. See read.cross for details.


Optional vector indicating the chromosomes to plot. This should be a vector of character strings referring to chromosomes by name; numeric values are converted to strings. Refer to chromosomes with a preceding - to have all chromosomes but those considered. A logical (TRUE/FALSE) vector may also be used.


Indicates whether to plot the entropy version of the information, the variance version, or both.


Maximum distance (in cM) between positions at which the missing information is calculated, though for step=0, it is are calculated only at the marker locations.


Distance (in cM) past the terminal markers on each chromosome to which the genotype probability calculations will be carried.


Assumed genotyping error rate used in the calculation of the penetrance Pr(observed genotype | true genotype).


Indicates whether to use the Haldane, Kosambi or Carter-Falconer map function when converting genetic distances into recombination fractions.


If TRUE and more than one chromosome is plotted, alternate the placement of chromosome axis labels, so that they may be more easily distinguished.


For a phase-known four-way cross, measure missing genotype information overall ("all"), or just for the alleles from the first parent ("AB") or from the second parent ("CD").


If TRUE, estimated genotype frequencies (from the results of calc.genoprob averaged across the individuals) are included as additional columns in the output.


Passed to plot.scanone.


The entropy version of the missing information: for a single individual at a single genomic position, we measure the missing information as H=gpglogpg/lognH = \sum_g p_g \log p_g / \log n, where pgp_g is the probability of the genotype gg, and nn is the number of possible genotypes, defining 0log0=00 \log 0 = 0. This takes values between 0 and 1, assuming the value 1 when the genotypes (given the marker data) are equally likely and 0 when the genotypes are completely determined. We calculate the missing information at a particular position as the average of HH across individuals. For an intercross, we don't scale by logn\log n but by the entropy in the case of genotype probabilities (1/4, 1/2, 1/4).

The variance version of the missing information: we calculate the average, across individuals, of the variance of the genotype distribution (conditional on the observed marker data) at a particular locus, and scale by the maximum such variance.

Calculations are done in C (for the sake of speed in the presence of little thought about programming efficiency) and the plot is created by a call to plot.scanone.

Note that summary.scanone may be used to display the maximum missing information on each chromosome.


An object with class scanone: a data.frame with columns the chromosome IDs and cM positions followed by the entropy and/or variance version of the missing information.


Karl W Broman,

See Also

plot.scanone, plotMissing, calc.genoprob, geno.table




# save the results and view maximum missing info on each chr
info <- plotInfo(hyper)

plotInfo(hyper, bandcol="gray70")

[Package qtl version 1.66 Index]