qsort_score {qsort}R Documentation



qsort_score returns a data frame with scores derived from criteria Q-sorts and from scales created from subsets of items.


qsort_score(x, qset, qsort_length, item1, subj_id = NULL, group_id = NULL)



data frame. x should be in wide format, with each subject data in one row and the scores for qset items in different columns. Columns for qset items' scores should be ordered sequentially from left to right, starting with item 1.


A data frame containing Q-set criterion scores and / or derived scales. For details see for example ?qset_aqs, ?qset_cqq, ?qset_mbqs and ?qset_pq.


The number of items in the qsort.


Column name of x containing item 1 score


Optional. Column name of x with subjects' identification codes.


Optional. Column name of x with groups' identification codes.


qsort_score function returns a data frame. This data frame will have a varying number of columns depending on the number of available criteria sorts and scales for the selected Q-set. Column names ending in "_c" refer to criteria sorts' scores, while column names ending in "_s" refer to scales' scores. Following Waters et al.'s (1985) suggestion about the influence of social desirability bias in Q-sort data, for Q-sets that have social desirability criterion scores, this data frame will also include criteria sorts' scores controlled for social desirability (i.e., partial correlations). Column names starting with "partial_" refer to these scores. The different criteria sorts and scales for each Q-set can be consulted in the documentation of qsets object (?qsets).


Baumrind, D. (1968). Manual for the Preschool Behaviour Q-set. Parental Research Project. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Human Development, University of California.

Block, J. H., & Block, J. (1969). The California Child Q-Set. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Human Development, University of California.

Pederson, D. R., Moran, G., & Bento, S. (1999). Maternal Behaviour Q-sort (version 3.1). London, ON: Psychology Department, Western University.

Waters, E. (1995). Appendix A: The attachment Q-set (Version 3. 0). Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 60, 234-246.

Waters, E., Noyes, D. M., Vaughn, B. E., & Ricks, M. (1985). Q-sort definitions of social competence and self-esteem: Discriminant validity of related constructs in theory and data. Developmental Psychology, 21, 508-522.


data_ccq <- qsort_score(ex_qsort$ccq,
                       qsort_length = 100,
                       item1 = "ccq1",
                       subj_id = "participant",
                       group_id = "classroom")

data_aqs <- qsort_score(ex_qsort$aqs,
                       qsort_length = 90,
                       item1 = "aqs1")

[Package qsort version 0.2.3 Index]