Implementations of Various Slice Samplers

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Documentation for package ‘qslice’ version 0.3.1

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auc Area Under the Curve (histogram)
imh_pseudo Independence Metropolis-Hastings
lapprox Pseudo-target from Laplace Approximation
pseudo_condseq Sequence of conditional pseudo-targets from a realization
pseudo_condseq_XfromU Inverse transform from sequence of conditional pseudo-targets
pseudo_list Specify a pseudo-target within a given class
pseudo_opt Optimal pseudo-target for a given target
slice_elliptical Univariate Elliptical Slice Sampler
slice_elliptical_mv Multivariate Elliptical Slice Sampler
slice_genelliptical Generalized Elliptical Slice Sampler (univariate)
slice_genelliptical_mv Generalized Elliptical Slice Sampler (Multivariate)
slice_hyperrect Multivariate Slice Sampler with Shrinking Hyperrectangle
slice_latent Latent Slice Sampler
slice_quantile Quantile Slice Sampler
slice_quantile_mv Multivariate Quantile Slice Sampler
slice_quantile_mv_seq Multivariate Quantile Slice Sampler from a sequence of conditional pseudo-targets
slice_stepping_out Slice sampler using the Stepping Out and Shrinkage Procedures
utility_pseudo Utility for a given target and pseudo-target