field_label {qrlabelr}R Documentation

Create field plot labels embossed with QR codes


Create machine- and human-readable plot labels that are well-suited for field experiments.


  get_unique_id = c("ruid", "uuid", "custom"),
  unique_id = NULL,
  filename = "PlotLabel",
  Year = NULL,
  rname = NULL,
  Trial = "PYT",
  seed_source = FALSE,
  IBlock = FALSE,
  rep_id = "REP",
  plot_id = "PLOT",
  row_id = "ROW",
  col_id = "COLUMN",
  loc_id = "LOCATION",
  entry_id = "TREATMENT",
  IBlock_id = "IBLOCK",
  seed_source_id = NULL,



An input data frame of field book that contains plot attributes. To design field plot labels, the imported field book must have LOCATION, PLOT, ROW, COLUMN/RANGE, REP, TREATMENT columns. The order of the columns in the field book is not important, and the columns can be any name the user desires.


Set to 'ruid' if reproducible and informative unique ids are to be generated from imported field book. Set to 'uuid' if universal unique ids are to be generated from imported field book. Set to 'custom' if imported field book already has unique IDs for each plot.


The column identifier for UNIQUE_ID in the imported field book.


A character prefix or path for the pdf file to be created. Default path is working directory.


The year of experiment or trial.


The researcher's name. Initials or initials of first and middle names and the last name.


The name of the trial to use.


Set to TRUE if seed source is included in the imported field book, FALSE if otherwise.


Set to TRUE if dat contains incomplete blocks within replications.


The column identifier for REP in the imported field book.


The column identifier for PLOT in the imported field book.


The column identifier for ROW in the imported field book.


The column identifier for COLUMN in the imported field book.


The column identifier for LOCATION in the imported field book.


The column identifier for ENTRY/TREATMENT in the imported field book.


The column identifier for IBLOCK in the imported field book. It must be provided if IBlock is set to TRUE.


The column identifier for SEED_SOURCE in the imported field book. It must be provided if seed_source is set to TRUE.


Additional arguments passed to the create_label() function.


The default column identifiers for LOCATION, PLOT, ROW, COLUMN/RANGE, REP, TREATMENT are based on the column IDs of a field book generated using the 'FielDHub' package. If user imports any field book generated with other programs, the user must specify the equivalent column identifiers used for LOCATION, PLOT, REP, ROW, COLUMN, and TREATMENT/ENTRY in the imported field book.

if get_unique_id = 'ruid' (i.e. Reproducible Unique IDs), the function concatenates location, year, trial name, plot, row and column IDs. if get_unique_id = 'uuid' (i.e. Universal Unique IDs), the function generates UUIDs by time randomly. Note that UUIDs are uninformative and not reproducible.

If input field book already has unique IDs for each plot, the get_unique_id argument should be set to 'custom'; and the unique_id argument must be specified as a string using the column name in the input field book that denotes plot unique IDs.

if Year is NULL, the function uses the current year as defined in the 'sys.time()'.

If the user is printing labels for any incomplete block design, the imported field book must include an IBLOCK column if the users wishes to display intra-blocking information for experimental plots on the label.

Set the IBlock argument to TRUE if the field layout has incomplete blocks within replications. The imported field book must include an IBLOCK column if the IBlock argument is set to TRUE.


A PDF file containing field plot labels affixed with QR codes, and a data frame of an updated field book; all saved to the default or working directory.

See Also

create_label and gp_label


df <- data.frame(LOCATION = rep("BAMBEY", 5),
                PLOT = 1001:1005,
                ROW = c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 2)),
                COLUMN = c(1:3, 1:2),
                REP = rep(1, 5),
                IBLOCK = c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 2)),
                TREATMENT = paste0("G-", 1:5),
                SEED_SOURCE = rep("OFF_NUR", 5))
df$ids <- paste0(df$LOCATION,'2023', '_PYT', '_', df$PLOT, '_', df$ROW, '_',
file <- tempfile()

  dat = df,
  wdt = 5, 
  hgt = 2,
  page_wdt = 8.5, 
  page_hgt = 11,
  top_mar = 0.75, 
  bot_mar = 0.75, 
  left_mar = 1.75, 
  right_mar = 1.75, 
  numrow = 4L, 
  numcol = 1L, 
  filename = file, 
  font_sz = 20, 
  Trial = "PYT", 
  Year = 2023, 
  family = "sans", 
  rounded = TRUE, 
  IBlock = TRUE,
  get_unique_id = "ruid", 
  rname = "AW Kena", 
  seed_source = TRUE, 
  seed_source_id = "SEED_SOURCE",
  ec_level = 1)

[Package qrlabelr version 0.2.0 Index]