iqr {qrcm}R Documentation

Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This function implements Frumento and Bottai's (2016, 2017) and Hsu, Wen, and Chen's (2021) methods for quantile regression coefficients modeling (qrcm). Quantile regression coefficients are described by (flexible) parametric functions of the order of the quantile. Quantile crossing can be eliminated using the method described in Sottile and Frumento (2023).


iqr(formula, formula.p = ~ slp(p,3), weights, data, s, 
    tol = 1e-6, maxit, remove.qc = FALSE)



a two-sided formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ...: a symbolic description of the quantile regression model. The left side of the formula is Surv(time,event) if the data are right-censored; Surv(time,time2,event) if the data are right-censored and left-truncated (time < time2, time can be -Inf); and Surv(time1, time2, type = "interval2") for interval-censored data (use time1 = time2 for exact observations, time1 = -Inf or NA for left-censored, and time2 = Inf or NA for right-censored).


a one-sided formula of the form ~ b1(p, ...) + b2(p, ...) + ..., describing how quantile regression coefficients depend on p, the order of the quantile.


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. The weights will always be normalized to sum to the sample size. This implies that, for example, using double weights will not halve the standard errors.


an optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in formula.


an optional 0/1 matrix that permits excluding some model coefficients (see ‘Examples’).


convergence criterion for numerical optimization.


maximum number of iterations.


either a logical value, or a list created with qc.control. See ‘Details’.


Quantile regression permits modeling conditional quantiles of a response variabile, given a set of covariates. A linear model is used to describe the conditional quantile function:

Q(px)=β0(p)+β1(p)x1+β2(p)x2+.Q(p | x) = \beta_0(p) + \beta_1(p)x_1 + \beta_2(p)x_2 + \ldots.

The model coefficients β(p)\beta(p) describe the effect of covariates on the pp-th quantile of the response variable. Usually, one or more quantiles are estimated, corresponding to different values of pp.

Assume that each coefficient can be expressed as a parametric function of pp of the form:

β(pθ)=θ0+θ1b1(p)+θ2b2(p)+\beta(p | \theta) = \theta_{0} + \theta_1 b_1(p) + \theta_2 b_2(p) + \ldots

where b1(p),b2(p,)b_1(p), b_2(p, \ldots) are known functions of pp. If qq is the dimension of x=(1,x1,x2,)x = (1, x_1, x_2, \ldots) and kk is that of b(p)=(1,b1(p),b2(p),)b(p) = (1, b_1(p), b_2(p), \ldots), the entire conditional quantile function is described by a q×kq \times k matrix θ\theta of model parameters.

Users are required to specify two formulas: formula describes the regression model, while formula.p identifies the 'basis' b(p)b(p). By default, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3), a 3rd-degree shifted Legendre polynomial (see slp). Any user-defined function b(p,)b(p, \ldots) can be used, see ‘Examples’.

If no censoring and truncation are present, estimation of θ\theta is carried out by minimizing an objective function that corresponds to the integral, with respect to pp, of the loss function of standard quantile regression. Details are in Frumento and Bottai (2016). If the data are censored or truncated, instead, θ\theta is estimated by solving the estimating equations described in Frumento and Bottai (2017) and Hsu, Wen, and Chen (2021).

The option remove.qc applies the method described by Sottile and Frumento (2023) to remove quantile crossing. You can either choose remove.qc = TRUE, or use remove.qc = qc.control(...), which allows to specify the operational parameters of the algorithm. Please read qc.control for more details on the method, and use diagnose.qc to diagnose quantile crossing.


An object of class “iqr”, a list containing the following items:


a matrix of estimated model parameters describing the fitted quantile function.


logical. The convergence status.

the number of iterations.


the matched call.


if the data are neither censored nor truncated, the value of the minimized loss function; otherwise, a meaningful loss function which, however, is not the objective function of the model (see note 3). The number of model parameter is returned as an attribute.


the model frame used.


the fitted values of the conditional probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF). See note 1 for details.


the estimated covariance matrix.


the used ‘s’ matrix.

Use summary.iqr, plot.iqr, and predict.iqr for summary information, plotting, and predictions from the fitted model. The function can be used for goodness-of-fit assessment. The generic accessory functions coefficients, formula, terms, model.matrix, vcov are available to extract information from the fitted model. The special function diagnose.qc can be used to diagnose quantile crossing.


NOTE 1 (PDF, CDF, quantile crossing, and goodness-of-fit). By expressing quantile regression coefficients as functions of pp, you practically specify a parametric model for the entire conditional distribution. The induced CDF is the value pp^* such that y=Q(px)y = Q(p^* | x). The corresponding PDF is given by 1/Q(px)1/Q'(p^* | x). Negative values of PDF indicate quantile crossing, occurring when the estimated quantile function is not monotonically increasing. If negative PDF values occur for a relatively large proportion of data, the model is probably misspecified or ill-defined. If the model is correct, the fitted CDF should approximately follow a Uniform(0,1) distribution. This idea is used to implement a goodness-of-fit test, see

NOTE 2 (model intercept). The intercept can be excluded from formula, e.g., iqr(y ~ -1 + x). This, however, implies that when x = 0, y is zero at all quantiles. See example 5 in ‘Examples’. The intercept can also be removed from formula.p. This is recommended if the data are bounded. For example, for strictly positive data, use iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = -1 + slp(p,3)) to force the smallest quantile to be zero. See example 6 in ‘Examples’.

NOTE 3 (censoring, truncation, and loss function). Data are right-censored when, instead of a response variable TT, one can only observe Y=min(T,C)Y = min(T,C) and d=I(TC)d = I(T \le C). Here, CC is a censoring variable that is assumed to be conditionally independent of TT. Additionally, left truncation occurs if YY can only be observed when it exceeds another random variable ZZ. For example, in the prevalent sampling design, subjects with a disease are enrolled; those who died before enrollment are not observed.

Ordinary quantile regression minimizes L(β(p))=(pω)(txβ(p))L(\beta(p)) = \sum (p - \omega)(t - x'\beta(p)) where ω=I(txβ(p))\omega = I(t \le x'\beta(p)). Equivalently, it solves its first derivative, S(β(p))=x(ωp)S(\beta(p)) = \sum x(\omega - p). The objective function of iqr is simply the integral of L(β(pθ))L(\beta(p | \theta)) with respect to pp.

If the data are censored and truncated, ω\omega is replaced by

ω=ω.y+(1d)ω.y(p1)/S.yω.zω.z(p1)/S.z+p\omega^* = \omega.y + (1 - d)\omega.y(p - 1)/S.y - \omega.z - \omega.z(p - 1)/S.z + p

where ω.y=I(yxβ(p))\omega.y = I(y \le x'\beta(p)), ω.z=I(zxβ(p))\omega.z = I(z \le x'\beta(p)), S.y=P(T>y)S.y = P(T > y), and S.z=P(T>z)S.z = P(T > z). The above formula can be obtained from equation (7) of Frumento and Bottai, 2017. Replacing ω\omega with ω\omega^* in L(β(p))L(\beta(p)) is NOT equivalent to replacing ω\omega with ω\omega^* in S(β(p))S(\beta(p)). The latter option leads to a much simpler computation, and generates the estimating equation used by iqr. This means that, if the data are censored or truncated, the obj.function returned by iqr is NOT the objective function being minimized, and should not be used to compare models. However, if one of two models has a much larger value of the obj.function, this may be a sign of severe misspecification or poor convergence.

If the data are interval-censored, the loss function is obtained as the average between the loss calculated on the lower end of the interval, and that calculated on the upper end. The presence of right- or left-censored observations is handled as described above.


Paolo Frumento


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72 (1), 74-84.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2017). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with censored and truncated data. Biometrics, 73 (4), 1179-1188.

Frumento, P., and Salvati, N. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with count data. Statistical Methods and Applications, 30, 1237-1258.

Hsu, C.Y., Wen, C.C., and Chen, Y.H. (2021). Quantile function regression analysis for interval censored data, with application to salary survey data. Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 4, 999-1018.

Sottile, G., and Frumento, P. (2023). Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions. Statistical Modelling, 23 (2), 173-195.

Frumento, P., and Corsini, L. (2024). Using parametric quantile regression to investigate determinants of unemployment duration. Unpublished manuscript.

See Also

summary.iqr, plot.iqr, predict.iqr, for summary, plotting, and prediction, and for goodness-of-fit assessment; plf and slp to define b(p)b(p) to be a piecewise linear function and a shifted Legendre polynomial basis, respectively; diagnose.qc to diagnose quantile crossing.


  ##### Using simulated data in all examples

  ##### Example 1
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 1 + x, 1 + x)
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with 
    # beta0(p) = beta1(p) = 1 + qnorm(p)
  # fit the true model: b(p) = (1 , qnorm(p))
  m1 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)))
  # the fitted quantile regression coefficient functions are
    # beta0(p) = m1$coef[1,1] + m1$coef[1,2]*qnorm(p)
    # beta1(p) = m1$coef[2,1] + m1$coef[2,2]*qnorm(p)
  # a basis b(p) = (1, p), i.e., beta(p) is assumed to be a linear function of p
  m2 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ p)

  # a 'rich' basis b(p) = (1, p, p^2, log(p), log(1 - p))
  m3 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ p + I(p^2) + I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)))

  # 'slp' creates an orthogonal spline basis using shifted Legendre polynomials
  m4 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3)) # note that this is the default
  # 'plf' creates the basis of a piecewise linear function
  m5 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ plf(p, knots = c(0.1,0.9)))

  summary(m1, p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75))
  par(mfrow = c(1,2)); plot(m1, ask = FALSE)
  # see the documentation for 'summary.iqr', '', and 'plot.iqr'

  ##### Example 2 ### excluding coefficients
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){(1 + qnorm(p)) + (1 + log(p))*x}
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
    # beta0(p) = 1 + qnorm(p) 
    # beta1(p) = 1 + log(p)
  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x) 
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + I(log(p)))

  # I would like to exclude log(p) from beta0(p), and qnorm(p) from beta1(p)
  # I set to 0 the corresponding entries of 's'

  s <- matrix(1,2,3); s[1,3] <- s[2,2] <- 0
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + I(log(p)), s = s)


  ##### Example 3 ### excluding coefficients when b(p) is singular
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){(1 + log(p) - 2*log(1 - p)) + (1 + log(p/(1 - p)))*x} 
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
    # beta0(p) = 1 + log(p) - 2*log(1 - p)
    # beta1(p) = 1 + log(p/(1 - p))

  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x)

  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)) + I(log(p/(1 - p))))
  # log(p/(1 - p)) is dropped due to singularity
  # I want beta0(p) to be a function of log(p) and log(1 - p),
  # and beta1(p) to depend on log(p/(1 - p)) alone

  s <- matrix(1,2,4); s[2,2:3] <- 0
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)) + I(log(p/(1 - p))), s = s)
  # log(p/(1 - p)) is not dropped

  ##### Example 4 ### using slp to test deviations from normality
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 2 + x) 
  # the true model is normal, i.e., b(p) = (1, qnorm(p))
  summary(iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p,3))) 
  # if slp(p,3) is not significant, no deviation from normality

  ##### Example 5 ### formula without intercept
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- runif(n, 0,x) 

  # True quantile function: Q(p | x) = p*x, i.e., beta0(p) = 0, beta1(p) = p
  # When x = 0, all quantiles of y are 0, i.e., the distribution is degenerated
  # To explicitly model this, remove the intercept from 'formula'
  iqr(y ~ -1 + x, formula.p = ~ p)
  # the true model does not have intercept in b(p) either:

  iqr(y ~ -1 + x, formula.p = ~ -1 + p)

  ##### Example 6 ### no covariates, strictly positive outcome
  n <- 1000
  y <- rgamma(n, 3,1) 

  # you know that Q(0) = 0
  # remove intercept from 'formula.p', and use b(p) such that b(0) = 0
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + slp(p,5))) # shifted Legendre polynomials
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + sin(p*pi/2) + I(qbeta(p,2,4)))) # unusual basis
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + I(sqrt(p))*I(log(1 - p)))) # you can include interactions

  ##### Example 7 ### revisiting the classical linear model
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- 2 + 3*x + rnorm(n,0,1) # beta0 = 2, beta1 = 3
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)), s = matrix(c(1,1,1,0),2))
  # first column of coefficients: (beta0, beta1)
  # top-right coefficient: residual standard deviation

  ##### Example 8 ### censored data
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n,0,5)
  u <- runif(n)
  beta0 <- -log(1 - u)
  beta1 <- 0.2*log(1 - u)
  t <- beta0 + beta1*x  # time variable
  c <- rexp(n,2)        # censoring variable
  y <- pmin(t,c)        # observed events
  d <- (t <= c)         # 1 = event, 0 = censored
  iqr(Surv(y,d) ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(1 - p)))
  ##### Example 8 (cont.) ### censored and truncated data

  z <- rexp(n,10)   # truncation variable
  w <- which(y > z) # only observe z,y,d,x when y > z
  z <- z[w]; y <- y[w]; d <- d[w]; x <- x[w]

  iqr(Surv(z,y,d) ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(1 - p)))
  ##### Example 9 ### interval-censored data
  # (with a very naif data-generating process)
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n,0,5)
  u <- runif(n)
  beta0 <- 10*u + 20*u^2
  beta1 <- 10*u
  t <- beta0 + beta1*x  # time variable
  time1 <- floor(t)     # lower bound
  time2 <- ceiling(t)    # upper bound
  iqr(Surv(time1, time2, type = "interval2") ~ x, formula.p = ~ -1 + p + I(p^2))

[Package qrcm version 3.1 Index]