calc.par {qpNCA}R Documentation

Calculate NCA Parameters


Calculates PK parameters for which half-life is not needed in the calculation for each PK curve defined using by.


  by = character(0),
  tau = NA,
  tstart = NA,
  tend = NA,
  teval = NA,
  route = "EV",
  method = 1



contains all data after time/concentration deviation corrections obtained from correct.time and correct.conc


column names in x indicating grouping variables


dosing interval (for multiple dosing); NA (default) for if single dose; x$tau overrides


start time of partial AUC (start>0); NA (default) if not requested; x$tstart overrides


end time of partial AUC; NA (default) if not requested; x$tend overrides


user selected AUC interval; NA (default) if not requested; x$teval overrides


route of drug administration ("EV","IVB","IVI"); x$route overrides


method for trapezoidal rule

  • 1: linear up - linear down

  • 2: linear up - logarithmic down

  • 3: linear before first Tmax, logarithmic after first Tmax


A dataset with estimates for the following parameters, one observation per subject:

Parameter Description
t0.ok flags if t=0 concentration could be corrected/imputes. If not, no AUCs starting at t=0 are calculated
tlast.ok flags if there is at least one measurable concentration. If not, no AUClast can be calculated
tlast time of last sample with measurable concentration
clast.obs observed concentration at tlast
aucall auc calculated over all observations, including values below LOQ (which are set to 0)
auclast auc calculated using all observations up to and including the last measurable concentration (clast.obs at tlast)
aumcall aumc calculated over all observations, including values below LOQ (which are set to 0)
aumclast aumc calculated using all observations up to and including the last measurable concentration (clast.obs at tlast)
tau the dosing interval (if specified)
calc.tau flags if AUCtau could be calculated
auctau auc calculated over the dosing interval, only calculated if tau is specified
aumctau aumc calculated over the dosing interval, only calculated if tau is specified
teval user selected AUC interval starting at t=0 (if specified)
calc.teval flags if AUCteval could be calculated
aucxx auc calculated from t=0 up to/including teval, only calculated if teval is specified (xx is substituted by teval)
calc.part flags if AUCpart could be calculated
tstart start time of partial AUC (if specified)
tend end time of partial AUC (if specified)
aucx_y partial auc from time=x up to/including time=y, where x>0, only calculated if tstart and tend are specified
c0 back-extrapolated concentration at t=0 for IV bolus administration
area.back.extr area back-extrapolated to 0


par <- x %>% calc.par(by = 'subject')
par %>% head

[Package qpNCA version 1.1.6 Index]