Parser Combinator in R

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Documentation for package ‘qmrparser’ version 0.1.6

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qmrparser-package Parser Combinator in R
alternation Alternative phrases
charInSetParser Single character, belonging to a given set, token
charParser Specific single character token.
commentParser Comment token.
concatenation One phrase then another
dots Dots sequence token.
empty Empty token
eofMark End of file token
isDigit Is it a digit?
isHex Is it an hexadecimal digit?
isLetter Is it a letter?
isLowercase Is it a lower case?
isNewline Is it a new line character?
isSymbol Is it a symbol?
isUppercase Is it an upper case?
isWhitespace Is it a white space?
keyword Arbitrary given token.
numberFloat Floating-point number token.
numberInteger Integer number token.
numberNatural Natural number token.
numberScientific Number in scientific notation token.
option Optional parser
pcAxisCubeMake Creates PC-AXIS cube
pcAxisCubeToCSV Exports a PC-AXIS cube into CSV in several files.
pcAxisParser Parser for PC-AXIS format files
qmrparser Parser Combinator in R
repetition0N Repeats one parser
repetition1N Repeats a parser, at least once.
separator Generic word separator token.
streamParserClose Generic interface for character processing, allowing forward and backwards translation.
streamParserFromFileName Creates a streamParser from a file name
streamParserFromString Creates a streamParser from a string
streamParserNextChar Generic interface for character processing, allowing forward and backwards translation.
streamParserNextCharSeq Generic interface for character processing, allowing forward and backwards translation.
streamParserPosition Generic interface for character processing, allowing forward and backwards translation.
string Token string
symbolic Alphanumeric token.
whitespace White sequence token.