qlcData-package {qlcData}R Documentation

Processing data for quantitative language comparison (QLC)


The package offers various functions to read, transcode and process data. There are many different function to read in data. Also a general framework to recode nominal data is included. Further, there is a general approach to describe orthographic systems through so-called Orthography Profiles. It offers functions to write such profiles based on some actual written text, and to test and correct profiles given concrete data. The main end-use is to produce tokenized texts in so-called tailored grapheme clusters.


Package: qlcData
Type: Package
Version: 0.3
Date: 2024-06-07
License: GPL-3

Various functions to read specific data formats of QLC are documented in read_align, read.profile, read.recoding.

The recode function allows for an easy and transparent way to specify a recoding of an existing nominal dataset. The specification of the recoding-decisions is preferably saved in an easily accessible YAML-file. There are utility function write.profile for writing and reading such files included.

For processing of strings using orthography profiles, the central function is tokenize. A basic sceleton for an orthography profile can be produced with write.profile


Michael Cysouw <cysouw@mac.com>

[Package qlcData version 0.3 Index]