as.igraph.qgraph | Converts qgraph object to igraph object. |
averageLayout | Computes an average layout over several graphs |
big5 | Big 5 dataset |
big5groups | Big 5 groups list |
centrality | Centrality statistics of graphs |
centralityPlot | Centrality and Clustering plots and tables |
centralityTable | Centrality and Clustering plots and tables |
centrality_auto | Automatic centrality statistics of graphs |
clustcoef_auto | Local clustering coefficients. |
clusteringPlot | Centrality and Clustering plots and tables |
clusteringTable | Centrality and Clustering plots and tables |
clustOnnela | Local clustering coefficients. |
clustWS | Local clustering coefficients. |
clustZhang | Local clustering coefficients. |
cor_auto | Automatically compute an apppropriate correlation matrix |
EBICglasso | Compute Gaussian graphical model using graphical lasso based on extended BIC criterium. |
FDRnetwork | Model selection using local False Discovery Rate |
flow | Draws network as a flow diagram showing how one node is connected to all other nodes |
getWmat | Obtain a weights matrix | | Obtain a weights matrix |
getWmat.igraph | Obtain a weights matrix |
getWmat.matrix | Obtain a weights matrix |
getWmat.qgraph | Obtain a weights matrix |
ggmFit | Obtain fit measures of a Gaussian graphical model |
ggmModSelect | Unregularized GGM model search |
makeBW | A qgraph plot can be understood in black and white |
mat2vec | Weights matrix to vector |
mutualInformation | Computes the mutual information between nodes |
pathways | Highlight shortest pathways in a network |
plot.qgraph | Plot method for "qgraph" |
print.qgraph | Print edgelist |
qgraph | qgraph |
qgraph.animate | Animate a growing network |
qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold | qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold |
qgraph.loadings | qgraph.loadings |
qgraphMixed | Plots a mixed graph with both directed and undirected edges. |
smallworldIndex | Small-world index of unweighted graph |
smallworldness | Compute the small-worldness index. |
summary.qgraph | Summary method for "qgraph" |
VARglm | Computes a vector autoregressive lag-1 model using GLM |
wi2net | Converts precision matrix to partial correlation matrix |