Graph Plotting Methods, Psychometric Data Visualization and Graphical Model Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘qgraph’ version 1.9.8

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as.igraph.qgraph Converts qgraph object to igraph object.
averageLayout Computes an average layout over several graphs
big5 Big 5 dataset
big5groups Big 5 groups list
centrality Centrality statistics of graphs
centralityPlot Centrality and Clustering plots and tables
centralityTable Centrality and Clustering plots and tables
centrality_auto Automatic centrality statistics of graphs
clustcoef_auto Local clustering coefficients.
clusteringPlot Centrality and Clustering plots and tables
clusteringTable Centrality and Clustering plots and tables
clustOnnela Local clustering coefficients.
clustWS Local clustering coefficients.
clustZhang Local clustering coefficients.
cor_auto Automatically compute an apppropriate correlation matrix
EBICglasso Compute Gaussian graphical model using graphical lasso based on extended BIC criterium.
FDRnetwork Model selection using local False Discovery Rate
flow Draws network as a flow diagram showing how one node is connected to all other nodes
getWmat Obtain a weights matrix Obtain a weights matrix
getWmat.igraph Obtain a weights matrix
getWmat.matrix Obtain a weights matrix
getWmat.qgraph Obtain a weights matrix
ggmFit Obtain fit measures of a Gaussian graphical model
ggmModSelect Unregularized GGM model search
makeBW A qgraph plot can be understood in black and white
mat2vec Weights matrix to vector
mutualInformation Computes the mutual information between nodes
pathways Highlight shortest pathways in a network
plot.qgraph Plot method for "qgraph"
print.qgraph Print edgelist
qgraph qgraph
qgraph.animate Animate a growing network
qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold
qgraph.loadings qgraph.loadings
qgraphMixed Plots a mixed graph with both directed and undirected edges.
smallworldIndex Small-world index of unweighted graph
smallworldness Compute the small-worldness index.
summary.qgraph Summary method for "qgraph"
VARglm Computes a vector autoregressive lag-1 model using GLM
wi2net Converts precision matrix to partial correlation matrix