Functions to Facilitate Exploratory Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘qacBase’ version 1.0.3

Help Pages

barcharts Barcharts
cardata Automobile characteristics
cars74 Motor Trend car road tests
contents Detailed description of a data frame
cor_plot Correlation matrix plot
crosstab Two-way frequency table
densities Density plots
df_plot Visualize a data frame
groupdiff Test of group differences
histograms Histograms
lso List object sizes and types
normalize Normalize numeric variables
phelp Get help on a package
plot.crosstab Plot a crosstab object Plot a tab object
print.contents Print a contents object
print.crosstab Print a crosstab object Print a tab object
qstats Summary statistics for a quantitative variable
rcolors R Colors
recodes Recode one or more variables
scatter Scatterplot
skewness Skewness
standardize Standardize numeric variables
tab Frequency distribution for a categorical variable
tv Time spent watching television - 2017
univariate_plot Univariate plot