sbrlModel2arcCBARuleModel {qCBA} | R Documentation |
sbrlModel2arcCBARuleModel Converts a model created by sbrl so that it can be passed to qCBA
Creates instance of CBAmodel class from the arc package. SBRL package is no longer in CRAN, but can be obtained from Instance of CBAmodel can then be passed to qcba
sbrl_model |
object returned by arulesCBA::CBA() |
cutPoints |
specification of cutpoints applied on the data before they were passed to |
rawDataset |
the raw data (before discretization). This dataset is used to guess attribute types if attTypes is not passed |
classAtt |
the name of the class attribute |
attTypes |
vector of attribute types of the original data. If set to null, you need to pass rawDataset. |
# if (! requireNamespace("rCBA", quietly = TRUE)) {
# message("Please install rCBA to allow for sbrl model conversion")
# return()
# } else if (! requireNamespace("sbrl", quietly = TRUE)) {
# message("Please install sbrl to allow for postprocessing of sbrl models")
#} else
# library(sbrl)
# library(rCBA)
# #sbrl handles only binary problems, iris has 3 target classes - remove one class
# set.seed(111)
# allData <- datasets::iris[sample(nrow(datasets::iris)),]
# classToExclude<-"versicolor"
# allData <- allData[allData$Species!=classToExclude, ]
# # drop virginica level
# allData$Species <-allData$Species [, drop=TRUE]
# trainFold <- allData[1:50,]
# testFold <- allData[51:nrow(allData),]
# sbrlFixedLabel<-"label"
# origLabel<-"Species"
# orignames<-colnames(trainFold)
# orignames[which(orignames == origLabel)]<-sbrlFixedLabel
# colnames(trainFold)<-orignames
# colnames(testFold)<-orignames
# # to recode label to binary values:
# # first create dict mapping from original distinct class values to 0,1
# origval<-levels(as.factor(trainFold$label))
# newval<-range(0,1)
# dict<-data.frame(origval,newval)
# # then apply dict to train and test fold
# trainFold$label<-dict[match(trainFold$label, dict$origval), 2]
# testFold$label<-dict[match(testFold$label, dict$origval), 2]
# # discretize training data
# trainFoldDiscTemp <- discrNumeric(trainFold, sbrlFixedLabel)
# trainFoldDiscCutpoints <- trainFoldDiscTemp$cutp
# trainFoldDisc <-$, as.factor))
# # discretize test data
# testFoldDisc <- applyCuts(testFold, trainFoldDiscCutpoints, infinite_bounds=TRUE, labels=TRUE)
# # learn sbrl model
# sbrl_model <- sbrl(trainFoldDisc, iters=30000, pos_sign="0",
# neg_sign="1", rule_minlen=1, rule_maxlen=10,
# minsupport_pos=0.10, minsupport_neg=0.10,
# lambda=10.0, eta=1.0, alpha=c(1,1), nchain=10)
# # apply sbrl model on a test fold
# yhat <- predict(sbrl_model, testFoldDisc)
# yvals<- as.integer(yhat$V1>0.5)
# sbrl_acc<-mean(as.integer(yvals == testFoldDisc$label))
# message("SBRL RESULT")
# sbrl_model
# rm_sbrl<-sbrlModel2arcCBARuleModel(sbrl_model,trainFoldDiscCutpoints,trainFold,sbrlFixedLabel)
# message(paste("sbrl acc=",sbrl_acc,"sbrl rule count=",nrow(sbrl_model$rs), "avg rule length",
# sum(rm_sbrl@rules@lhs@data)/length(rm_sbrl@rules)))
# rmQCBA_sbrl <- qcba(cbaRuleModel=rm_sbrl,datadf=trainFold)
# prediction <- predict(rmQCBA_sbrl,testFold)
# acc_qcba_sbrl <- CBARuleModelAccuracy(prediction, testFold[[rmQCBA_sbrl@classAtt]])
# if (! requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)) {
# message("Please install stringr to compute average rule length for QCBA")
# avg_rule_length <- NA
# } else
# {
# library(stringr)
# avg_rule_length <- (sum(unlist(lapply(rmQCBA_sbrl@rules[1],str_count,pattern=",")))+
# # assuming the last rule has antecedent length zero
# nrow(rmQCBA_sbrl@rules)-1)/nrow(rmQCBA_sbrl@rules)
# }
# message("QCBA RESULT")
# rmQCBA_sbrl@rules
# message(paste("QCBA after SBRL acc=",acc_qcba_sbrl,"rule count=",
# rmQCBA_sbrl@ruleCount, "avg rule length", avg_rule_length))
# unlink("tdata_R.label") # delete temp files created by SBRL
# unlink("tdata_R.out")
# }
[Package qCBA version 0.5.1 Index]