pyramidf {pyramid} | R Documentation |
Drawing population pyramid using data.frame within the specified frame
Drawing population pyramid using data.frame. Detailed explanation is given in Japanese at
pyramidf(data, Laxis=NULL, Raxis=NULL,
frame=c(-1.15, 1.15, -0.05, 1.1),
AxisFM="g", AxisBM="", AxisBI=3, Cgap=0.3, Cstep=1, Csize=1,
Llab="Males", Rlab="Females", Clab="Ages", GL=TRUE, Cadj=-0.03,
Lcol="Cyan", Rcol="Pink", Ldens=-1, Rdens=-1, main="", ...)
data |
A data.frame including left pyramid numbers in the 1st column and and right pyramid numbers in the 2nd column, where the numbers of males in each age-class are usually given to left numbers and those of females are to right numbers. If the data.frame includes 3rd column, it is used as age-class labels, otherwise the row.names(data) is used as age-class labels. |
Laxis |
A vector of axis for left pyramid. If missing, automatically given using pretty(). |
Raxis |
A vector of axis for right pyramid. If missing, Laxis is used. |
frame |
A vector of frame c(x-left, x-right, y-bottom, y-top), to draw pyramid. Default frame is same as |
AxisFM |
A format code of formatC for plotting axis. If missing, "g" is used. |
AxisBM |
A big.mark of formatC for plotting axis. If missing, none. |
AxisBI |
A big.interval number of formatC for plotting axis. Default is 3 |
Cgap |
The width of center gap (as ratio to each panel) to draw age-class. Default is 0.3 |
Cstep |
The interval to write the labels of age classes. Default is 1 |
Csize |
The font size factor to write the labels of age classes. Default is 1 |
Cadj |
The vertical adjustment factor for the labels of age classes. Default is -0.03 |
Llab |
The label of the left pyramid. Default is "Males". |
Rlab |
The label of the right pyramid. Default is "Females". |
Clab |
The label of the center age-class. Default is "Ages". |
GL |
Logical value to draw the vertical dotted lines. Default is TRUE. |
Lcol |
The color of the left pyramid. Default is "Cyan". |
Ldens |
The density of hatching lines (/inch) for left pyramid. Default is -1, when the pyramid will be filled. |
Rcol |
The color of the right pyramid. Default is "Pink". |
Rdens |
The density of hatching lines (/inch) for right pyramid. Default is -1, when the pyramid will be filled. |
main |
The main title of the pyramid. |
... |
Other options. |
Minato Nakazawa
# GunmaPop2005 and GumaPop2010 are included in this package.
plot(c(0,100), c(0,100), type="n", frame=FALSE, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
main="Population pyramid of Gunma prefecture")
# overlay
pyramidf(GunmaPop2005, frame=c(10, 75, 0, 90), Clab="", Lcol="skyblue", Rcol="pink",
Cstep=10, Laxis=0:4*5000, AxisFM="d")
pyramidf(GunmaPop2010, frame=c(10, 75, 0, 90), Clab="", Lcol="deepskyblue", Rcol="deeppink",
Ldens=10, Rdens=10, Cstep=10, Laxis=0:4*5000, AxisFM="d")
legend("right", fill=c("skyblue","pink","deepskyblue","deeppink"), density=c(NA,NA,10,10),
legend=c("Male 2005", "Female 2005", "Male 2010", "Female 2010"), cex=0.8)