pwt5.6 {pwt} | R Documentation |
Penn World Table 5.6
Purchasing power parity (PPP) and national income accounts in international prices for 152 countries over 1950–1992 (1985 as base year).
A data frame with 6,536 observations of 34 variables.
- country
factor with country name.
- wbcode
factor with World Bank country code.
- continent
factor indicating continent.
- benchmark
factor. Has the country ever participated in an international benchmark study?
- year
- pop
population in 1000s.
- rgdpch
real GDP per capita (chain-weighted index, in constant US dollars).
- rgdpl
real GDP per capita (Laspeyres index, US dollars in 1985 prices).
- c
real consumption share of GDP (% in 1985 prices).
- i
real investment share of GDP (% in 1985 prices).
- g
real government share of GDP (% in 1985 prices).
- rgdptt
real GDP per capita in constant dollars adjusted for changes in terms of trade (1985 international prices for domestic absorption and current prices for exports and imports).
- y
per capita GDP relative to US (US=100, % in current prices).
- cgdp
real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (US dollars in current prices).
- cc
real consumption share of per capita GDP (% in current prices).
- ci
real investment share of per capita GDP (% in current prices).
- cg
real government share of per capita GDP (% in current prices).
- p
price level of GDP (% PPP GDP/ US dollar exchange rate).
- pc
price level of consumption (% [PPP of
).- pi
price level of investment (% [PPP of
).- pg
price level of government (% [PPP of
).- xrat
exchange rate (US dollars).
- rgdpeqa
real GDP per equivalent adult (US dollars in 1985 prices).
- rgdpwok
real GDP per worker (US dollars in 1985 prices).
- kapw
non-residential capital stock per worker (US dollars in 1985 prices).
- kdur
producer durables (% of
) (in 1985 prices).- knres
non-residential construction (% of
in 1985 prices).- kother
other construction (% of
in 1985 prices).- kres
residential construction (% of
in 1985 prices).- ktranp
transportation equipment (% of
in 1985 prices).- open
openness (exports+imports)/nominal GDP.
- rgnp
real gross national product (% of per capita GDP).
- ipri
gross domestic private investment (% of gross domestic investment in current prices).
- stliv
standard of living index (consumption plus government consumption minus military expenditure, % of GDP).
The Penn World Table provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 152 countries for some or all of the years 1950–1992.
This version contains data from PWT version 5.6. As far as possible the original data from PWT has been preserved. For example, percentages have been maintained rather than converted to fractions.
Alan Heston and Robert Summers, Penn World Table Version 5.6. URL