pwrFDR {pwrFDR} | R Documentation |
Ensemble power or sample size under selected control of the FDP
This is a function for calculating two differing notions of power, or deriving sample sizes for specified requisite power in multiple testing experiments under a variety of methods for control of the distribution of the False Discovery Proportion (FDP). More specifically, one can choose to control the FDP distribution according to control of its (i) mean, e.g. the usual BH-FDR procedure, or via the probability that it exceeds a given value, delta, via (ii) the Romano procedure, or via (iii) my procedure based upon asymptotic approximation. Likewise, we can think of the power in multiple testing experiments in terms of a summary of the distribution of the True Positive Proportion (TPP). The package will compute power, sample size or any other missing parameter required for power based upon (i) the mean of the TPP which is the average power (ii) the probability that the TPP exceeds a given value, lambda, via my asymptotic approximation procedure. The theoretical results are described in Izmirlian, G. (2020), and an applied paper describing the methodology with a simulation study is in preparation.
pwrFDR(effect.size, n.sample, r.1, alpha, delta=NULL, groups=2, N.tests,
average.power, tp.power, lambda, type=c("paired","balanced","unbalanced"),
grpj.per.grp1=NULL, FDP.control.method=c("BHFDR","BHCLT","Romano","Auto","both"),
method=c("FixedPoint", "simulation"), n.sim=1000, temp.file,
control=list(tol=1e-8, max.iter=c(1000,20), distopt=1, CS=list(NULL),sim.level=2,
low.power.stop=TRUE, FDP.meth.thresh=FDP.cntl.mth.thrsh.def, verb=FALSE,
effect.size |
The effect size (mean over standard deviation) for test statistics having non-zero means. Assumed to be a constant (in magnitude) over non-zero mean test statistics. |
n.sample |
The number of experimental replicates. Required for calculation of power |
r.1 |
The proportion of simultaneous tests that are non-centrally located |
alpha |
The false discovery rate (in the BH case) or the upper bound on the probability that the FDP exceeds delta (BHCLT and Romano case) |
delta |
If the "FDP.control.method" is set to 'Romano' or 'BHCLT', then the
user can set the exceedance thresh-hold for the FDP tail probability
control |
groups |
The number of experimental groups to compare. Must be integral and >=1. The default value is 2. |
N.tests |
The number of simultaneous hypothesis tests. |
average.power |
The desired average power. Sample size calculation requires specification of either 'average.power' or 'tp.power'. |
tp.power |
The desired tp-power (see details for explanation). Sample size calculation requires specification of either 'average.power' or 'tp.power'. |
lambda |
The tp-power threshold, required when calculating the tp-power (see details for explanation) or when calculating the sample size required for tp-power. |
type |
A character string specifying, in the groups=2 case, whether the test is 'paired', 'balanced', or 'unbalanced' and in the case when groups >=3, whether the test is 'balanced' or 'unbalanced'. The default in all cases is 'balanced'. Left unspecified in the one sample (groups=1) case. |
grpj.per.grp1 |
Required when |
FDP.control.method |
A character string specifying how the false discovery proportion (FDP) is to be
controlled. You may specify the whole word or any shortened uniquely
identifying truncation. |
method |
Specify the method whereby the average power is calculated.
You may specify the whole word or any unqiuely indentifying
truncation. |
control |
Optionally, a list with components with the following
components: |
n.sim |
If 'simulation' method is chosen you may specify number of simulations. Default is 1000. |
temp.file |
If 'simulation' method is chosen you may specify a tempfile where the current simulation replicate is updated. Very usefull for batch runs. You can use the included utility 'gentempfilenm' |
This function will compute one of a variety of ensemble powers under a given choice of FDP control methods. The underlying model assumes that the m simultaneous test statistics are i.i.d., each being formed from k samples which can be paired (k=2), balanced or unbalanced (k>=2), k=1,2,..., and distributed according to one of the available relevent distribution types (see above). The location parameter for each of the statistical tests is either 0 (null hypothesis) or a specified constant effect size (alternative hypothesis), with the identity of these two possibilities in each of the m cases being an i.i.d. unmeasured latent bernouli variable with density r.1, the mixing proportion. The m simultaneous statistical tests partition into those which are distributed according to the alternative, numbering M_m, and those distributed according to the NULL, numbering m-M_m. Once a selected thresholding method is applied, the m statistics can also be partitioned into those which are called significant, numbering R_m, and those which are not, numbering m-R_m. Each of the test statistics is thus given two labels, alternative hypothesis membership and whether a significant call was made. Of the R_m significant calls, T_m are true positives and V_m are false positives. This results in the following table.
1. | rej H0 | acc H0 | row Total | |
2. | H0 is FALSE | T_m | M.1-T | M_m |
3. | H0 is TRUE | R_m-T_m | (m-M_m)-(R_m-T_m) | m - M_m |
4. | col Total | R | m-R_m | m |
The ratio of the false positive count to the significant call count, V_m/R_m, is called the False Discovery Proportion (FDP). Thresholding methods which result in the most reproducibility seek to control the FDP distribution. The most well known is the Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate (BH-FDR) procedure. It guarantees that the FDR, which is the expected FDP, will be less than a stipulated alpha
While it is true that for large m, the distribution of the FDP,
V_m/M_m will become spiked at its mean, , in
many commonly occuring situations, there will still be
non-negligible dispersion in the distribution of the FDP. For
this reason, any validity promised by the BH-FDR procedure does
not actually apply on a case to case basis, and individual FDP's
may differ non-negligibly from the FDR. For this reason, the
function supplies two other methods of FDP control in addition to
FDP.control.method="BHFDR". These two alternate methods,
FDP.control.method="Romano" and FDP.control.method="BHCLT"
guarantee control of the tail probability of the FDP
The lower bound is left arbitrary for greater
being the default. There is
also an automatic option, FDP.control.method="Auto", which lets
the function decide which of the three FDP control methods is
the most advisable in a given situation. The two tail
probability control options are preferred when the standard
error of the FDP exceeds a cutoff given in the default
'control' settings:
se[V_m/R_m] / alpha > FDP.cntl.mth.thrsh.def[1]
The default is 10%. When the standard error to alpha ratio is
10% or less then the BHFDR, being the least conservative, is
preferred. When the se to alpha ratio is 10% or more, then
Romano and BHCLT are decided between, with the BHCLT (asymptotic
approximation) being less conservative than Romano and therefor
preferred if the CLT approximation is adequate. This will be the
case provided is large enough,
FDP.cntl.mth.thrsh.def[2]. The default is 50.
The concept of ensemble power for the purposes of this function,
concern the distribution of the true positive proportion (TPP),
. The most well known is the average power, which
is the expected value of the TPP, which is called the true
positve rate (TPR):
For large m, the distribution of the TPP will be spiked at its mean, which is the asymptotic average power. This is used in the function in the average power computation. As was the case for the FDP, there are many commonly occuring situations when the distribution of the TPP will still be non-negligibly dispersed. For this reason, we provide an alternate notion of power which is based upon the tail probability of the TPP distribution:
This is computed via asymptotic approximation and also requires
that be large enough:
. The user decides
when the tp-power is to be preferred. A good check is to look
at the ratio of the se[TPP] to average power ratio which is the
sigma.rtm.TPP/average.power/N.tests^0.5 If this ratio is
unacceptibly large (10% or so) than the tp-power is preferred.
For the "FixedPoint" method (default) and for any specified choice of FDP.control method, the function can be used in the following ways:
1. Specify 'n.sample', 'effect.size', 'r.1' and 'alpha'. Calculates 'average power'
2. Specify 'n.sample', 'effect.size', 'r.1', 'alpha' and 'lambda'. 'N.tests' is also required. The function wil calculate the 'tp.power' in addition to the 'average power'.
3. Specify the 'average.power' or the pair 'tp.power' and 'lambda'. Specify all but one of the parameters, 'n.sample', 'effect.size', 'r.1' and 'alpha'. The function will calculate the value of the missing parameter required for the specified 'average power' or 'tp-power'. Note: a solution is guaranteed for missing 'n.sample' and missing 'effect.size', but not necessarily for missing 'r.1' or 'alpha'.
An object of class "pwr" with with components including:
call |
The call which produced the result |
average.power |
Resulting average power. |
tp.power |
When 'lambda' is specified, the tp-power is also computed |
L.eq |
The lambda at which the tp-power and average-power are equal. |
n.sample |
If 'n.sample' is missing from the argument list, then the sample size required for the specified average- or lambda- power. | |
If 'FDP.control.method' was set to "BHCLT" or it resulted from the "Auto" setting, the alpha at which the probability that the FDP exceeds is less than or equal to the originally specified alpha. |
c.g |
The FDP control method threshold on the scale of the test statistics. |
gamma |
The proportion of all 'm' tests declared significant. |
objective |
Result of optimization yielding the average or tp- power. |
err.III |
Mass on the wrong side of the threshold. |
sigma.rtm.ToM |
Asymptotic standard deviation of the true positive fraction. |
Auto |
If 'FDP.control.method' was set to "Auto", this returns the resulting choice (a string) which was made internally. | |
The ratio of the standard error of the FDP to alpha, the nominal FDR, which gives an indication of the dispersion of its distribution relative to the nominal FDP. Used by the "Auto" specification. |
gma.Ntsts |
the effective denominator in the CLT asymptotic approximation to the distribution of the FDP, which equals the positive proportion, 'gamma', times the number of simultaneous tests, 'm'. |
detail |
The extractor function, |
Grant Izmirlian <izmirlian at nih dot gov>
Izmirlian G. (2020) Strong consistency and asymptotic normality for quantities related to the Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate procedure. Statistics and Probability Letters; 108713, <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2020.108713>
Izmirlian G. (2017) Average Power and -power in
Multiple Testing Scenarios when the Benjamini-Hochberg False
Discovery Rate Procedure is Used. <arXiv:1801.03989>
Jung S-H. (2005) Sample size for FDR-control in microarray data analysis. Bioinformatics; 21:3097-3104.
Liu P. and Hwang J-T. G. (2007) Quick calculation for sample size while controlling false discovery rate with application to microarray analysis. Bioinformatics; 23:739-746.
Lehmann E. L., Romano J. P.. Generalizations of the familywise error rate. Ann. Stat.. 2005;33(3):1138–1154.
Romano Joseph P., Shaikh Azeem M.. Stepup procedures for control of generalizations of the familywise error rate. Ann. Stat.. 2006;34(4):1850-1873.
See Also
## Example 1a: average power
rslt.avgp <- pwrFDR(effect.size=0.79, n.sample=46, r.1=2000/54675, alpha=0.15)
## Example 1b: average power, FDP.control.method set to "Auto", N.tests=1000 <- pwrFDR(effect.size = 0.79, n.sample = 46, r.1 = 2000/54675, alpha = 0.15,
N.tests = 1000, FDP.control.method = "Auto")
## Example 1c: average power, FDP.control.method set to "Auto", N.tests=2000 <- update(, N.tests = 2000)
## Example 1d: tp-power
rslt.lpwr <- pwrFDR(effect.size=0.79, n.sample=46, r.1=2000/54675,
alpha=0.15, lambda=0.80, N.tests=54675)
## Example 1e: sample size required for given average power <- pwrFDR(effect.size=0.79, average.power=0.82,
r.1=2000/54675, alpha=0.15)
## Example 1f: sample size required for given tp-power <- pwrFDR(effect.size=0.79, tp.power=0.82, lambda=0.80,
r.1=2000/54675, alpha=0.15, N.tests=54675)
## Example 1g: simulation
rslt.sim <- update(rslt.avgp, method="sim", n.sim=500, N.tests=1000)
## Example 1h: simulation
rslt.sim <- update(rslt.avgp, method="sim", FDP.control.method="both",
n.sim=500, N.tests=1000)
## Example 2: methods for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exp, log,
## logit and inverse logit
rslt.avgp - rslt.sim
logit(rslt.avgp) ## etc
## Example 3: Compare the asymptotic distribution of T/M with kernel
## density estimate from simulated data
pdf <- with(detail(rslt.sim)$reps, density(T/M1))
med <- with(detail(rslt.sim)$reps, median(T/M1))
avg <- rslt.sim$average.power
sd <- rslt.sim$se.ToM
rng.x <- range(pdf$x)
rng.y <- range(c(pdf$y, dnorm(pdf$x, mean=avg, sd=sd)))
plot(rng.x, rng.y, xlab="u", ylab="PDF for T/M", type="n")
with(pdf, lines(x, y))
lines(rep(rslt.sim$average.power, 2), rng.y, lty=2)
lines(pdf$x, dnorm(pdf$x, mean=avg, sd=sd), lty=3)