Disproportionality Functions for Pharmacovigilance

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Documentation for package ‘pvda’ version 0.0.3

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add_disproportionality Add disproportionality estimates to data frame with expected counts
add_expected_counts Produces expected counts
apply_rule_of_N apply_rule_of_N
build_colnames_da An internal function creating colnames for da confidence/credibility bounds
ci_for_ic Confidence intervals for Information Component (IC)
ci_for_prr Confidence intervals for Proportional Reporting Rate
ci_for_ror Confidence intervals for Reporting Odds Ratio
conf_lvl_to_quantile_prob Quantile probabilities from confidence level
count_expected_prr Count expected for Proportional Reporting Rate
count_expected_ror Count expected for Reporting Odds Ratio
count_expected_rrr Count Expected for Relative Reporting Rate
da Disproportionality Analysis
drug_event_df A simulated ICSR database
grouped_da Disproportionality Analysis by Subgroups
ic Information component
print.da print function for da objects
prr Proportional Reporting Rate
ror Reporting Odds Ratio
round_and_sort_by_lower_da_limit Sort a disproportionality analysis by the lower da conf. or cred. limit
round_columns_with_many_decimals Rounds columns in da_df with many decimals
summary.da Summary function for disproportionality objects
tiny_dataset A 110 reports big, simulated ICSR database
write_to_excel Write to excel