Abstracts-class | Class '"Abstracts"' Abstract Class |
additional_info | To extract sentences with nultiple keywords from Abstracts |
alias_fn | To extract sentences containing Alias of the Human Genes from Pubmed abstracts. |
altnamesfun | To Get Alternative names of Genes |
BWI | To obtain the Buzz Word Index of terms from the Abstracts. |
cleanabs | To clean the result of searchabsL |
cleanabs-method | Methods for Function 'cleanabs' |
cleanabs-methods | Methods for Function 'cleanabs' |
cluster_words | To Find the highest frequency of words within clusters |
combineabs | To combine the abstracts |
combineabs-method | 'Abstracts' Method to Combine Abstracts |
combineabs-methods | 'Abstracts' Method to Combine Abstracts |
common_words_new | R Data containing words which frequently in text |
contextSearch | For Context Search |
contextSearch-method | Method for Context Search |
contextSearch-methods | Method for Context Search |
cos_sim_calc | To calculate the cosine similarity between terms. |
cos_sim_calc_boot | Cosine Similarity Calculation by Boot Strapping |
co_occurrence_advance | Extracts multiple sentence with co-occurrence of two sets of terms) |
co_occurrence_fn | Extracts sentences with co-occurrence of two sets of terms |
currentabs_fn | To Retrive the Abstracts for year. |
Find_conclusion | To find the conclusion from the abstract(s). |
find_intro_conc_html | To find the introduction and conclusion from the abstracts. |
genes_BWI | Function to obtain the Buzz Word Index of Genes from the abstracts. |
GeneToEntrez | Data containing Entrez Ids |
Genewise | To Search the number of abstracts for Genes |
Genewise-method | method to find the abstracts for the given gene. |
Genewise-methods | method to find the abstracts for the given gene. |
gene_atomization | To Extract Genes from the Abstracts |
getabs | To get Abstracts for a given term. |
getabs-method | 'getabs' To Get abstracts for a term |
getabs-methods | 'getabs' To Get abstracts for a term |
getabsT | To get Abstracts for a given term. |
getabsT-method | To Get Abstracts |
getabsT-methods | To Get Abstracts |
get_DOIs | function for extracting Digital Object Identifier (DOIs) of papers |
get_gene_sentences | To extract the sentences for genes from the corpus. |
get_MedlinePlus | To Get MedLinePlus Summary |
get_NMids | To extract NM ids from NCBI. |
get_original_term | To get the original terms from the corpus. deprecated |
get_original_term2 | To get the original terms from the corpus. |
get_PMCIDS | To extract the PMC Ids of the abstracts. |
get_PMCtable | To fetch the given PMC article tables. Deprecated |
get_Sequences | To extract the Gene sequence from the NCBI. |
Give_Sentences | To extract sentences from the Abstracts |
Give_Sentences_PMC | To fetch the sentence from the PMC full text article |
head_abbrev | To extract the abbreviated term. |
HGNC-class | HGNC Class for package. |
HGNC2UniprotID | R Data containing HGNC2UniprotID data mapping. |
HGNCdata | R Data containing HGNC data. |
input_for_find_intro_conc_html | fetch the abstracts using E-utilities. |
local_uniprotfun | To Get Information from Uniprot. |
names_fn | To extract the sentences in asbtracts containing gene names from HGNC. |
new_xmlreadabs | To read the abstracts from the PubMed saved in XML format. |
official_fn | To extract the sentences containing official gene symbol from abstracts. |
pmids_to_abstracts | To Find and match the PMIDs to the abstracts. |
previousabs_fn | To Retrieve the Abstracts from the large corpus for given years. |
prevsymbol_fn | To extract the sentences containing Previous symbols of HGNC genes. |
printabs | To prind the total number of abstracts in an S4 object of class Abstracts , its start and end |
pubtator_function | function for text annotation using PubTator |
pubtator_function_JSON | function for text annotation using PubTator |
pubtator_result_list_to_table | Function to Convert Pubtator result from list into Table |
readabs | To read Abstracts |
readabsnew | To read Abstracts |
ready | To Initiate the Classes. |
removeabs | To remove abstracts for the query term. |
removeabs-method | 'removeabs' To remove abstracts of a term from the data. |
removeabs-methods | 'removeabs' To remove abstracts of a term from the data. |
searchabsL | To Search the abstracts of term(s) in a combination mode. |
searchabsL-method | Searching Abstracts |
searchabsL-methods | Searching Abstracts |
searchabsT | To Search Abstracts |
searchabsT-method | 'searchabsT' Searching abstracts |
searchabsT-methods | 'searchabsT' Searching abstracts |
sendabs | To send abstracts |
sendabs-method | To send the Data into a File |
sendabs-methods | To send the Data into a File |
SentenceToken | To Tokenize the sentences |
space_quasher | Removes extra spaces between words. |
subabs | To find sub-abstracts |
subabs-method | Getting subabstracts |
subabs-methods | Getting subabstracts |
subsetabs | To make subsets of large corpus. |
subsetabs-method | To make subset of Abstracts. |
subsetabs-methods | To make subset of Abstracts. |
tdm_for_lsa | create Term Document Matrix for lsa analysis |
uniprotfun | To get information about gene from the UniProt.Deprecated. |
whichcluster | To fetch the cluster for words |
wordscluster | To cluster the words |
wordsclusterview | To view the words in cluster |
word_associations | Extracts the words associated (to the left and to the right) with a given word |
word_atomizations | Atomization of words |
xmlgene_atomizations | Gene atomization of xml abstracts.Deprecated. |
xmlgene_atomizations_new | Gene atomization of xml abstracts. |
xmlreadabs | To read the abstracts from the PubMed saved in XML format. |
xmlword_atomizations | Word atomizations of abstracts from xml format. |
Yearwise | To Search abstracts Year wise |
Yearwise-method | 'Yearwise' Year wise extraction of Abstracts |
Yearwise-methods | 'Yearwise' Year wise extraction of Abstracts |