A Toolbox for Public Health and Epidemiology

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Documentation for package ‘pubh’ version 1.3.2

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axis_labs Apply labels from variables to axis-labels in plots.
bar_error Bar charts with error bars.
Bernard Survival of patients with sepsis.
bland_altman Bland-Altman agreement plots.
box_plot Construct box plots.
Brenner Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in preschool children.
bst Bootstrap Confidence Intervals.
chisq.fisher Internal test for chi-squared assumption.Fisher (2 by 2). If results = T, it fails
coef_det Coefficient of determination.
contingency Measures of association from two by two contingency tables (formula).
contingency2 Measures of association from two by two contingency tables (direct input).
cosm_reg Cosmetics for tables of regression coefficients. Converts tables generated by 'tbl_regression' to 'huxtable' and adds some cosmetics.
cosm_sum Cosmetics for summary tables Adds some cosmetics to tables of descriptive statistics generated by tbl_summary.
cross_tbl Table of descriptive statistics by categorical variable.
diag_test Diagnostic tests from variables.
diag_test2 Diagnostic tests from direct input.
estat Descriptive statistics for continuous variables.
expand_df Expand a data frame.
Fentress Migraine pain reduction.
freq_cont Relative and Cumulative Frequency.
gen_bst_df Generate a data frame with estimate and bootstrap CIs.
geo_mean Geometric mean.
get_r2 Estimate R2 or Pseudo-R2 from regression models
gf_star Annotating a plot to display differences between groups.
glm_coef Table of coefficients from generalised linear models.
harm_mean Harmonic mean.
hist_norm Histogram with Normal density curve.
Hodgkin T-cell counts from Hodgkin's disease patients.
inv_logit Inverse of the logit
jack_knife Ranks leverage observations from Jackknife method.
Kirkwood Body weight and plasma volume.
knife_mean Jackknife for means.
leverage Leverage.
logistic_gof Goodness of fit for Logistic Regression.
Macmahon Breast cancer and age of childbirth.
mhor Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio.
model_labels Using labels as coefficient names in tables of coefficients.
multiple Multiple comparisons with plot.
odds_trend Function to calculate OR using Wald CI, and plot trend.
Oncho Onchocerciasis in Sierra Leone.
predict_inv Given y solve for x in a simple linear model.
prop_or Proportion, p1 from proportion p2 and OR.
pseudo_r2 Pseudo R2 (logistic regression) 'pseudo_r2' Calculates R2 analogues (pseudo R2) of logistic regression.
qq_plot Quantile-quantile plots against the standard Normal distribution.
rank_influence Ranks observations based upon influence measures on models.
rank_leverage Ranks observations by leverage.
reference_range Reference range (reference interval).
rel_dis Relative Dispersion.
Roberts Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates.
Rothman Oral contraceptives and stroke.
round_pval Rounding p-values.
Sandler Passive smoking in adulthood and cancer risk.
Sharples Measured and self-reported weight in New Zealand.
ss_jk Sum of squares for Jackknife.
stats_quotes Internal function to calculate descriptive statistics.
strip_error Strip plots with error bars.
Thall RCT on the treatment of epilepsy.
theme_pubh A theme for huxtables This function quickly set a default style for a huxtable.
Tuzson Peak knee velocity in walking at flexion and extension.
Vanderpump Smoking and mortality in Whickham, England.