profileplot {psychotools}R Documentation

Profile Plots for IRT Models


Base graphics plotting function for profile plot visualization of IRT models.


    what = c("items", "thresholds", "discriminations", "guessings", "uppers"),
    parg = list(type = NULL, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE), index = TRUE,
    names = TRUE, main = NULL, abbreviate = FALSE, ref = TRUE,
    col = "lightgray", border = "black", pch = NULL, cex = 1,
    refcol = "lightgray", linecol = "black", lty = 2, ylim = NULL,
    xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, add = FALSE, srt = 45, adj = c(1.1, 1.1),
    axes = TRUE, ...)



a fitted model object of class "raschmodel", "rsmodel", "pcmodel", "nplmodel" or "gpcmodel".


character, specifying the type of parameters to be plotted.


list of arguments passed over to internal calls of itempar, threshpar, discrpar, guesspar, or upperpar.


logical, should different indexes for different items be used?


logical or character. If TRUE, the names of the items are displayed on the x-axis. If FALSE, numbers of items are shown. Alternatively a character vector of the same length as the number of items can be supplied.


character, specifying the overall title of the plot.


logical or numeric, specifying whether object names are to be abbreviated. If numeric this controls the length of the abbreviation.


logical, whether to draw a horizontal line for the reference level. Only takes effect if argument what is "items" or "discriminations".

col, border, pch, cex

graphical appearance of plotting symbols. Can be of the same length as the number of items, i.e., a different graphical appearance is used for each item. If what = "thresholds", col and pch can be matrices with a number of columns equal to the number of threshold parameters per item resulting in different symbols and colors used for different threshold parameter profiles.


character, specifying the line color for the reference line (if ref is set to TRUE).


character or numeric, specifying the line color to be used for the profiles.


numeric, specifying the line type for the profiles.


numeric, specifying the y axis limits.

xlab, ylab

character, specifying the x and y axis labels.


logical. If TRUE, new plotted profiles are added to an existing plot.

srt, adj

numeric. Angle (srt) and adjustment (adj) in case names (rather than numbers) are used as x-axis labels. These are passed to text.


logical. Should axes be drawn?


further arguments passed over to plot.


The profile plot visualization illustrates profiles of specific estimated parameters under a certain IRT model.

See Also

curveplot, regionplot, infoplot, piplot


## load verbal aggression data
data("VerbalAggression", package = "psychotools")

## fit Rasch, rating scale and partial credit model to verbal aggression data
rmmod <- raschmodel(VerbalAggression$resp2)
rsmod <- rsmodel(VerbalAggression$resp)
pcmod <- pcmodel(VerbalAggression$resp)

## profile plots of the item parameters of the three fitted IRT models
plot(rmmod, type = "profile", what = "items", col = 4)
plot(rsmod, type = "profile", what = "items", col = 2, add = TRUE)
plot(pcmod, type = "profile", what = "items", col = 3, add = TRUE)
legend(x = "topleft", legend = c("RM", "RSM", "PCM"), col = 1,
  bg = c(4, 2, 3), pch = 21, bty = "n")

## profile plots of the threshold parameters of type "mode"
plot(rmmod, type = "profile", what = "thresholds", parg = list(type = "mode"))
plot(rsmod, type = "profile", what = "thresholds", parg = list(type = "mode"))
plot(pcmod, type = "profile", what = "thresholds", parg = list(type = "mode"))

## profile plot of the discrimination parameters of the dichotomous RM
plot(rmmod, type = "profile", what = "discrimination")

if(requireNamespace("mirt")) {
## fit 2PL and generalized partial credit model to verbal aggression data
twoplmod <- nplmodel(VerbalAggression$resp2)
gpcmod <- gpcmodel(VerbalAggression$resp)

## profile plot of the discrimination parameters of a dichotomous 2PL
plot(twoplmod, type = "profile", what = "discrimination")

## profile plot of the item parameters of the 2PL and GPCM
plot(twoplmod, type = "profile", what = "items", col = 4)
plot(gpcmod, type = "profile", what = "items", col = 2, add = TRUE)

[Package psychotools version 0.7-4 Index]