psychonetrics-package {psychonetrics}R Documentation

Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network Analysis


Multi-group (dynamical) structural equation models in combination with confirmatory network models from cross-sectional, time-series and panel data <doi:10.31234/>. Allows for confirmatory testing and fit as well as exploratory model search.



Package: psychonetrics
Type: Package
Title: Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network Analysis
Version: 0.13
Author: Sacha Epskamp
Maintainer: Sacha Epskamp <>
Description: Multi-group (dynamical) structural equation models in combination with confirmatory network models from cross-sectional, time-series and panel data <doi:10.31234/>. Allows for confirmatory testing and fit as well as exploratory model search.
License: GPL-2
LinkingTo: Rcpp (>= 0.11.3), RcppArmadillo, pbv, roptim
Depends: R (>= 4.3.0)
Imports: methods, qgraph, numDeriv, dplyr, abind, Matrix (>= 1.6-5), lavaan, corpcor, glasso, mgcv, optimx, VCA, pbapply, parallel, magrittr, IsingSampler, tidyr, psych, GA, combinat, rlang
Suggests: psychTools, semPlot, graphicalVAR, metaSEM, mvtnorm, ggplot2
ByteCompile: true
StagedInstall: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Archs: x64

Index of help topics:

CIplot                  Plot Analytic Confidence Intervals
Ising                   Ising model
Jonas                   Jonas dataset
MIs                     Print modification indices
StarWars                Star Wars dataset
addMIs                  Model updating functions
aggregate_bootstraps    Aggregate Bootstrapped Models
bifactor                Bi-factor models
bootstrap               Bootstrap a psychonetrics model
changedata              Change the data of a psychonetrics object
checkJacobian           Diagnostic functions
compare                 Model comparison
covML                   Maximum likelihood covariance estimate
dlvm1                   Lag-1 dynamic latent variable model family of
                        psychonetrics models for panel data
duplicationMatrix       Model matrices used in derivatives
emergencystart          Reset starting values to simple defaults
esa                     Ergodic Subspace Analysis
factorscores            Compute factor scores
fit                     Print fit indices
fixpar                  Parameters modification
fixstart                Attempt to Fix Starting Values
generate                Generate data from a fitted psychonetrics
getVCOV                 Obtain the asymptotic covariance matrix
getmatrix               Extract an estimated matrix
groupequal              Group equality constrains
latentgrowth            Latnet growth curve model
logbook                 Retrieve the psychonetrics logbook
lvm                     Continuous latent variable family of
                        psychonetrics models
meta_varcov             Variance-covariance and GGM meta analysis
ml_lvm                  Multi-level latent variable model family
ml_tsdlvm1              Multi-level Lag-1 dynamic latent variable model
                        family of psychonetrics models for time-series
modelsearch             Stepwise model search
parameters              Print parameter estimates
parequal                Set equality constrains across parameters
partialprune            Partial pruning of multi-group models
prune                   Stepdown model search by pruning
                        non-significant parameters.
psychonetrics-class     Class '"psychonetrics"'
psychonetrics-package   Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory
                        Network Analysis
                        Class '"psychonetrics_bootstrap"'
                        Class '"psychonetrics"'
runmodel                Run a psychonetrics model
setestimator            Convenience functions
setverbose              Should messages of computation progress be
simplestructure         Generate factor loadings matrix with simple
stepup                  Stepup model search along modification indices
transmod                Transform between model types
tsdlvm1                 Lag-1 dynamic latent variable model family of
                        psychonetrics models for time-series data
unionmodel              Unify models across groups
var1                    Lag-1 vector autoregression family of
                        psychonetrics models
varcov                  Variance-covariance family of psychonetrics

This package can be used to perform Structural Equation Modeling and confirmatory network modeling. Current implemented families of models are (1) the variance–covariance matrix (varcov), (2) the latent variable model (lvm), (3) the lag-1 vector autoregression model (var1), and (4) the dynamical lag-1 latent variable model for panel data (dlvm1) and for time-series data (tsdlvm1).


Sacha Epskamp

Maintainer: Sacha Epskamp <>


More information:

[Package psychonetrics version 0.13 Index]