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Documentation for package ‘psycho’ version 0.6.1

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affective Data from the Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ - French Validation)
assess Compare a patient's score to a control group
crawford.test Crawford-Garthwaite (2007) Bayesian test for single-case analysis.
crawford.test.freq Crawford-Howell (1998) frequentist t-test for single-case analysis.
crawford_dissociation.test Crawford-Howell (1998) modified t-test for testing difference between a patient’s performance on two tasks.
dprime Dprime (d') and Other Signal Detection Theory indices.
emotion Emotional Ratings of Pictures
find_combinations Generate all combinations.
find_combinations.formula Generate all combinations of predictors of a formula.
find_matching_string Fuzzy string matching.
find_season Find season of dates.
golden Golden Ratio.
is.psychobject Creates or tests for objects of mode "psychobject".
is.standardized Check if a dataframe is standardized.
mellenbergh.test Mellenbergh & van den Brink (1998) test for pre-post comparison.
percentile Transform z score to percentile.
percentile_to_z Transform a percentile to a z score.
plot.psychobject Plot the results.
power_analysis Power analysis for fitted models.
print.psychobject Print the results.
remove_empty_cols Remove empty columns.
summary.psychobject Print the results.
values Extract values as list.