mlbook_data {psycCleaning} | R Documentation |
Classic data-set from Snijders, Tom A.B., and Bosker, Roel J. Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modeling, second edition.
A data frame with 3758 rows and 34 variables:
- schoolnr
School ID
- pupilNR_new
Student Identifier (Level 1 units)
- langPOST
Student language score
- ses
Student socioeconomic score, grand-mean centered (in points, M = 0))
- IQ_verb
Student verbal IQ, grand-mean centered (in points, M = 0)
- sex
Student binary gender, 1 = female, 0 = not female
- Minority
Student minority status, 1 = minoritized, 0 = not minoritized
- denomina
School-level religious denominations, 5 categories
- female_dum
Dummy coded sex
- female_eff
Effect-coded sex
- female_CMC
Group-mean-centered of female_eff
- fempct_agg
Aggregated mean female_dum for each school
- Zfempct_agg
Z-scored aggregated mean female_dum for each school
- ses_CMC
Group-mean-centered SES
- Zses_CMC
Z-scored group-mean-centered SES
- ses_agg
Aggregated mean SES for each school
- Zses_agg
Z-scored aggregated mean SES for each school