psqn_hess {psqn} | R Documentation |
Computes the Hessian.
Computes the Hessian using numerical differentiation with Richardson extrapolation.
n_threads = 1L,
env = NULL,
eps = 0.001,
scale = 2,
tol = 1e-09,
order = 6L
n_threads = 1L,
env = NULL,
eps = 0.001,
scale = 2,
tol = 1e-09,
order = 6L
val |
Where to evaluate the function at. |
fn |
Function to compute the element functions and their derivatives.
See |
n_ele_func |
Number of element functions. |
n_threads |
Number of threads to use. |
env |
Environment to evaluate |
eps |
Determines the step size. See the details. |
scale |
Scaling factor in the Richardson extrapolation. See the details. |
tol |
Relative convergence criteria. See the details. |
order |
Maximum number of iteration of the Richardson extrapolation. |
The function computes the Hessian using numerical differentiation with centered differences and subsequent use of Richardson extrapolation to refine the estimate.
The additional arguments are as follows: The numerical differentiation
is applied for each argument with a step size of
s = max(eps, |x| * eps)
The Richardson extrapolation at iteration i
uses a step size of
s * scale^(-i)
. The convergence threshold for each comportment of
the gradient is max(tol, |gr(x)[j]| * tol)
The numerical differentiation is done on each element function and thus much more efficient then doing it on the whole gradient.
# assign model parameters, number of random effects, and fixed effects
q <- 2 # number of private parameters per cluster
p <- 1 # number of global parameters
beta <- sqrt((1:p) / sum(1:p))
Sigma <- diag(q)
# simulate a data set
n_clusters <- 20L # number of clusters
sim_dat <- replicate(n_clusters, {
n_members <-, 1L) + 2L
X <- matrix(runif(p * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2), sqrt(6 / 2)),
u <- drop(rnorm(q) %*% chol(Sigma))
Z <- matrix(runif(q * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2 / q), sqrt(6 / 2 / q)),
eta <- drop(beta %*% X + u %*% Z)
y <- as.numeric((1 + exp(-eta))^(-1) > runif(n_members))
list(X = X, Z = Z, y = y, u = u, Sigma_inv = solve(Sigma))
}, simplify = FALSE)
# evaluates the negative log integrand.
# Args:
# i cluster/element function index.
# par the global and private parameter for this cluster. It has length
# zero if the number of parameters is requested. That is, a 2D integer
# vector the number of global parameters as the first element and the
# number of private parameters as the second element.
# comp_grad logical for whether to compute the gradient.
r_func <- function(i, par, comp_grad){
dat <- sim_dat[[i]]
X <- dat$X
Z <- dat$Z
if(length(par) < 1)
# requested the dimension of the parameter
return(c(global_dim = NROW(dat$X), private_dim = NROW(dat$Z)))
y <- dat$y
Sigma_inv <- dat$Sigma_inv
beta <- par[1:p]
uhat <- par[1:q + p]
eta <- drop(beta %*% X + uhat %*% Z)
exp_eta <- exp(eta)
out <- -sum(y * eta) + sum(log(1 + exp_eta)) +
sum(uhat * (Sigma_inv %*% uhat)) / 2
d_eta <- -y + exp_eta / (1 + exp_eta)
grad <- c(X %*% d_eta,
Z %*% d_eta + dat$Sigma_inv %*% uhat)
attr(out, "grad") <- grad
# compute the hessian
par <- runif(p + q * n_clusters, -1)
hess <- psqn_hess(val = par, fn = r_func, n_ele_func = n_clusters)
# compare with numerical differentiation from R
hess_num <- jacobian(function(x){
out <- numeric(length(x))
for(i in seq_len(n_clusters)){
out_i <- r_func(i, x[c(1:p, 1:q + (i - 1L) * q + p)], TRUE)
out[1:p] <- out[1:p] + attr(out_i, "grad")[1:p]
out[1:q + (i - 1L) * q + p] <- attr(out_i, "grad")[1:q + p]
}, par)
cat("Output of all.equal\n")
print(all.equal(Matrix(hess_num, sparse = TRUE), hess))