unemp_it {pspatreg} | R Documentation |
Regional unemployment rates Italian provinces
A panel dataset containing unemployment rates and other economic variables for Italian NUTS-3 provinces during the years 1996-2019.
A data frame with 2472 rows and 17 variables:
- prov
province (NUTS-3) coded as a number.
- name
province (NUTS-3) coded as a name.
- reg
region (NUTS-2) coded as a name.
- year
- area
area of the province (km~2~).
- unrate
unemployment rate (percentage).
- agri
share of employment in agriculture (percentage).
- ind
share of employment in industry (percentage).
- cons
share of employment in construction (percentage).
- serv
share of employment in services (percentage).
- popdens
population density.
- partrate
labor force participation rate, i.e. the ratio between the total labor force and the working population.
- empgrowth
employment growth rate (percentage).
- long
longitude of the centroid of the province.
- lat
latitude of the centroid of the province.
- South
dummy variable with unit value for southern provinces.
- ln_popdens
logarithm of population density.
Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) https://www.istat.it