pspatreg {pspatreg}R Documentation

pspatreg: A package to estimate and make inference for spatial and spatio-temporal econometric regression models


pspatreg offers the user a collection of functions to estimate and make inference of geoadditive spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models of type ps-sim, ps-sar, ps-sem, ps-sarar, ps-sdm, ps-sdem or ps-slx. These type of specifications are very general and they can include parametric and non-parametric covariates, spatial or spatio-temporal non-parametric trends and spatial lags of the dependent and independent variables and/or the noise of the model. The non-parametric terms (either trends or covariates) are modeled using P-Splines. The non-parametric trend can be decomposed in an ANOVA way including main and interactions effects of 2nd and 3rd order. The estimation method can be restricted maximum likelihood (REML) or maximum likelihood (ML).


Some functionalities that have been included in pspatreg package are:

1. Estimation of the semiparametric regression model

pspatreg allows the estimation of geoadditive spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric regression models which could include:

Once specified, the whole model can be estimated using either restricted maximum-likelihood (REML) or maximum likelihood (ML). The spatial econometric specifications allowed in pspatreg are the following ones:

2. Plot of the spatial and spatio-temporal trends

Once estimated the geoadditive semiparametric model, some functions of pspatreg are suited to make plots of the spatial or spatio-temporal trends. These functions, named plot_sp2d and plot_sp3d, can deal either with 'sf' objects or 'dataframe' objects including spatial coordinates (see the examples of the functions). The function plot_sptime allows to examine temporal trends for each spatial unit. Eventually, it is also possible to get the plots on nonparametric covariates using plot_terms.

3. Impacts and spatial spillovers

It is very common in spatial econometrics to evaluate the multiplier impacts that a change in the value of a regressor, in a point in the space, has on the explained variable. The pspatreg package allows the computation and inference of spatial impacts (direct, indirect and total) either for parametric covariates or nonparametric covariates (in the last case, the output are impact functions). The function named impactspar compute the impacts for parametric covariates in the usual way using simulation. On the other hand, the function impactsnopar allows the computation of impact functions for nonparametric covariates. For parametric covariates, the method to compute the impacts is the same than the exposed in LeSage and Page (2009). For nonparametric covariates the method is described in the help of the function impactsnopar. Both impact functions have dedicated methods to get a summary, for the parametric covariates, and plots, for the nonparametric covariates, of the direct, indirect and total impacts.

4. Additional methods

The package pspatreg provides the usual methods to extract information of the fitted models. The methods included are:


pspatreg includes a spatio-temporal panel database including observations of unemployment, economic variables and spatial coordinates (centroids) for 103 Italian provinces in the period 1996-2019. This database is provided in RData format and can be loaded using the command data(unemp_it, package = "pspatreg"). The database also includes a W spatial neighborhood matrix of the Italian provinces (computed using queen criterium). Furthermore, a map of Italian provinces is also included as an sf object. This map can be used to plot spatial and spatio-temporal trends estimated for each province. Some examples of spatial and spatio-temporal fitted trends are included in the help of the main function of pspatreg package (see especially ?pspatfit). See Minguez, Basile and Durban (2020) for additional details about this database.
source: Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)

For the spatial pure case, the examples included use the household database ames included in AmesHousing package. See the help of ?AmesHousing::make_ames for an explanation of the variables included in this database. Examples of hedonic models including geoadditive spatial econometric regressions are included in the examples of pspatreg package.


Roman Minguez
Roberto Basile
Maria Durban
Gonzalo Espana-Heredia


[Package pspatreg version 1.1.2 Index]